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   5 By Paul Howard
   4 Paul Howard
   4 Lloyd Garland
   3 Roy Benson
   3 Robert Skene
   3 Miles Kinloch
   3 Mark Harris
   3 By Graham Collier
   3 Ben Douglas
   3 Andy Davis
   3 ; EX AF,AF'
   2 |~~__OOGGCCAA
   2 Wolfgang & Monika Haller
   2 When  using   'load   bytes'  for  hackingpurposes, it may not be advisable to allowit  to  actually   push   the  address  ofSA/LD-RET onto the stack as the interruptsbeing enabled could cause problems.
   2 Thomas Eberle
   2 This short  piece  of  code mimics exactlywhat the code of  'load bytes' does at thestart of the  routine,  but the address ofSA/LD-RETURN is not pushed onto the stack.The interrupts will still be disabled whena return is made,  for any reason, to yourcalling routine.
   2 The border colour  will  either be Blue orYellow and it is for you to decide whetheror not to do  an out instruction to changeto some preferred colour.
   2 Telephone: (0171) 476 5915
   2 Psi-co of United Minds
   2 Paul Westlake
   2 Patrick Morriss
   2 Justin Thorpe
   2 Joyce Cook
   2 John Elliot
   2 James Waddington
   2 J7:A?>A??>>BC
   2 If you decide to change the border colour,remember to push  the  A register onto thestack  so  as  to  keep  a  record  of thestate of the flags the loader returned.
   2 I  am  now  about  to  move  into  an areaconcerning the  loader  I  have never seenrecorded  anywhere,  nor  observed  anyoneelse other than myself use.
   2 Format Publications
   2 Dave Fountain
   2 Darren Randle
   2 D3FE   ; OUT (FE),A
   2 Christian Aymard
   2 Chic Computer Club
   2 CD6205 ; CALL  'LOAD  BYTES'  AFTER  THE(
   2 By Paul Howard.
   2 Brian Gaff
   2 Bill Richardson
   2 All  I  have  told  you  so  far  is  welldocumented and any  serious m/c programmershould be well aware all of it.s
   2 Albert Harper
   2 A common method  used  to  prevent this isthe following:8
   2 3E0F   ; LOAD A,0F
   2 36 Budges Road
   2 11 CAMEL ROAD
   1 wrong address.
   1 would run on your machine, if it did'nt,  it would'nt sell, because nobody is going to buy software that does not run on theirmachine.
   1 with bugs in the 128k.
   1 weekdays and anytime from the afternoon atthe weekends.7
   1 was including too many and it violated&
   1 vocabulary
   1 variables.
   1 usual  address  or  via  MGPD,   AlchemistSoftware or Fountain PD.B
   1 us your customers!)
   1 two  bytes   for   each   and  every$
   1 to lick it all off.
   1 through, was'nt it.
   1 thought, n
   1 this  table  is  just  two  bytes in$
   1 thinks you should...
   1 think (im 6ft, and the posters bigger thanme!), lifesize photo quality poster ofP
   1 these furry-bearded creatures as possible.*
   1 then, maybe, PC programmers will be able  to squeeze as much out of these 32 bitP
   1 theestablishment of Alchemist Software,  withit's multi media coverage and thousands oftitles. Having seen some of Prism's recentliterature  and  a  poor  excuse   for   acatalogue, it's not hard to understand whythey lost the trade that they did!
   1 the number of '
   1 supposed<italicised>  to  have  lied  to,  misled,betrayed, snubbed or asked to  give  up  aneutral stance.k
   1 support? VERY sad!
   1 still run.
   1 standard (and even the 486 is being pushedof the top of a cliff, by intel in anO
   1 squeeze quite a lot from the small 16 &   48k spectrums, and the programs wouldO
   1 speed at which it can process it, 60 66   90 120 & 133 mhz.;
   1 speccy software houses of the past, and   where they were now.>
   1 someillustrations to go with this saga but  itdidn't work out, so you will have  to  putup with a lot of rambling text instead!
   1 some EC directive.
   1 solution for saving  memory  what!
   1 software that uses 32 BITS (Windows 95 forexample) and PCs have been 32 bit since   the 386DX was released in the mid 80s...|
   1 software that requires bigger, and bigger PCs. It won't be long before the minimum  software requirement IS a Pentium.v
   1 software companies state the DX2 as the   minimum needed to run their software.O
   1 software companies insist on producing&
   1 sixteen.Unfortunately, if ink is  bright  then  somust paper be and vice versa, so there areonly ( 16 x 8 ) = 128  combinations.  But,128 colours on the Spectrum! Maybe  that'swhat 128K stands for, ho ho. Remember thatthis 128 includes all the  normal  colourstoo, ie when ink and paper are both  cyan,a normal cyan block is  produced.  To  seethe lot of 'em, try this (I hope it  worksas I haven't tested it!) <I  know  becauseit had two line 20's. Ed>
   1 should I say 'Bloatware', that won't run  on anything less than a, realistically,   over-powerful & under utilised machine.{
   1 seems to be hard drive space and the$
   1 risque photos was a bit dodgy, was'nt%
   1 reviews  some   of   his   latest!
   1 require the greater memory (of in this&
   1 regular  adventure  column,   by 
   1 re-categorised to show:
   1 profitable PENTIUM (586) cpu the new entrylevel processor) is because a lot ofN
   1 processors as the speccy programmers did  out of their Z80 (8 bit) processors.N
   1 processor (as apposed to the Z80 cpu whichis an 8 bit processor!), yet we are only  just starting to see the arrival ofw
   1 process information in lumps of 32 bits.  <Except it's so big and so  advanced  halfof us, nay, 3/4 of us won't be able to useit Ed>
   1 printutilities, ZX printer simulators for IF1 /128 / +D (which makes a  full  size  Epsoncompatable  printer  behave  like   a   ZXprinter), Spectrum ROMs for the SAM,  pluslots  of   well   programmed   games   andutilities.
   1 points to address.
   1 pockets...
   1 payingextortionate  amounts  for  software   andthats just not how we trade.L
   1 page, 0, 1, 3,  4  or  6 - not these$
   1 overlooked!
   1 on what you have, thanks to Paul 
   1 on  the  changes   at   Alchemist!
   1 officerintermediate  between  an  admiral  and  acaptain, or the senior captain in a  fleetof merchantmen,  or  the  president  of  ayachting  club,  or  a  commodore's  ship.Since the Commodore computer is neither  ahigh-ranking sailor nor an aquatic  craft,the choice of name here is questionable  -but  then  so  is  anyone   who   owns   aCommodore! <It was carefully engineered sowe could call it Commode! Ed>
   1 offerings.
   1 object - for pages other than page 0$
   1 no of parts+1 (ie: 1-38+pt 0=39)
   1 next  issues   bumper   Christmas!
   1 namedinterestingly after their  components  andthe years in which they were  marketed.  Ihave no idea where  the  name  Atari  camefrom, but Olivetti was  the  maker  of  anearly typewriter and Amiga means  "friend"(ain't no friend of mine!). <More  like  AMEAGRE machine! Commodore really  do  knowhow to put their foot in it! Ed>
   1 naked body and then get somebody else%
   1 mw>CFECFCEC?A>
   1 mw<<??==>>apJKJNJQ
   1 movements.Incidentally, pressing a  key  during  theeffect makes it move down  or  up  a  bit,because the computer has to slow  down  asit checks your  keypress,  so  the  effectsuffers as a result. If you  have  a  128kSpectrum, try the  program  again  but  in128k mode this time. Spot the  difference!Because the 128k runs at a  faster  speed,the colours all whirl into one another andturn into a technicolour blur, as we  callit in the Biz.  Do  you  know  what?  I'vecompletely run out of ideas. The rate  I'mgoing, I might actually  have  to  do  theunthinkable and FINISH this  article.  No!Anything to fill up more space!
   1 more advanced 64 bit architecture, just   the SPEED of the PC, and 100mhz is simply just faster than 60mhz, hence the DX4 is  faster than the P60.
   1 melted chocolate over your entire!
   1 master, Kevin Gurd.
   1 manufacturers now make computers that run the software, the only reason that theP
   1 m>>AA>><<apKJKJHJ
   1 location -  the  byte  1F (inverted)$
   1 line 8  - index
   1 line 32 - side select
   1 line 30 - read data
   1 line 28 - write protect
   1 line 26 - track 0
   1 line 24 - write gate
   1 line 22 - write data
   1 line 20 - step pulse
   1 line 18 - direction of step
   1 line 16 - drive motor ON
   1 line 12 - drive 2 select
   1 line 10 - drive 1 select
   1 it's not taking advantage of the P60s%
   1 it to  people  to  try  and  win 
   1 isguaranteed.
   1 isembarrassingly low-resolution (one ink andone paper colour  per  character  square),but as I will explain in a minute, you canstill have non-square  shapes  with  mixedcolours. Printing the new graphic with redink and yellow paper (INK 2 and  PAPER  6)gives what the user guide describes as  an"acceptable orange". Other useful  coloursinclude:
   1 is 'lewd conduct'?.
   1 interest for some reason...
   1 informationsuperhighway" on which one can  "surf".  Iread in  the  Sunday  Times  (intellectualthat I am!) that  the  original  'Net  wasdesigned  for  the  transfer   of   secretinformation. No doubt  these  people  havenot yet realised that the Internet is  forcommunication by  the  public.  Tsk,  tsk.These Americans, eh?
   1 information being processed is 16 bit,&
   1 i$$h$i$h$i$h$
   1 humancounterpart.  But  if  you  rephrased  thequestion as "My mother has two  sons,  oneof which is myself. Her other  son  is  inLondon. Where is my brother?" the computerwould have to know that  the  son  of  thesame mother as the questioner  is  his  orher  brother.  This  could  get  yet  morecomplex  if  you  started   asking   aboutmothers-in-law's  uncles'   great-nephews'goldfish, not only for  the  computer  butalso the human - who would  answer  first?And  again,  would  they  give  the  rightanswer?
   1 his column this time, apparently he#
   1 higher place in the issue!
   1 had millions of colours like the 
   1 goesSkiing,  Horizons,  Jason's   Gem,   Kane,Matchpoint,  Mcoder  II,  Milk  Race,   OpThunderbolt,  Personal  Banking  Roadtoad,Rollaround,
   1 gaffes of naming a computer.
   1 g0f00g0f0g0f00g0f00g00f0g0f0g00f0g0f000g0f0
   1 for objects.
   1 flow of this article, or lack of it.$
   1 fit a drive select switch on  the!
   1 file (loads B, D, F, H or J)
   1 f0g0f000g0f0
   1 f0g00f0g0f0
   1 f00g0f00g0f0g0f00g0
   1 f&&o//i+o+i)o)((
   1 explains   his
   1 eight colour palette?  Wish  you 
   1 dq+&+&+&+&+&+&+&r+
   1 dq&+&+&+&+&+&+&+r&
   1 did'nt he, but nobody fell for it."
   1 cyberspace
   1 county has got rid of them!
   1 contains two byte  pointers for each$
   1 confined to Pentium PCs, it applies to 386& 486 PCs, because all Win95 does (being  a 32 bit operating system) is comunicate  directly with the cpu (not via DOS) &
   1 computers simulate  intelligence.!
   1 case, the SX33).
   1 carryinformation to and from the disc drives.-
   1 besubsequently savaged by people that  couldhave   written   better   (but   didn't!).Snapfix-  is  the  one  you  featured   inAlc.N.15 (without listing) and I asked fora copy ,if you had one, as you didn't sendit I typed  this  out  from  "FORMAT"  andenclose a copy for you.
   1 beoperational  BEFORE  SEPTEMBER   18th   soPLEASE do  not  write  early  expecting  acatalogue by return of post. The cataloguewill  be  printed  at  the  last  possiblemoment (i.e. the 17th!) to include as muchstuff as I can cram in. I also need to buya printer!!
   1 being the  end  of  text termination$
   1 beavailable from us.
   1 available (to my knowledge) to run on yourPentiums, why buy one?, the real selling  point of the Pentium, is not the amount ofinfo it can process (64 bits), but the
   1 automatic tabelation
   1 attempt to make the considerably more%
   1 assemblers,
   1 artificialintelligence. You may ask how  I  can  saythis  when  AI  itself  is   not   clearlydefined. Or is it?p
   1 article, "amends" it  and  sends 
   1 are   scatteredthroughout the country  as well as dishingout a hefty fine.J
   1 anyone interested?
   1 anunderstatement.
   1 and to switch from 48 to 128
   1 and ended up  having  a  long  informativechat  with  Bill  Richardson  at  EEC,  herealized  that  I  was   no   expert   andsuggested I buy one of his ex-MGT LifeTimedrives, complete with  lead  and  internalpower supply. This is a good idea  if  youhave not got  a  stack  of  spare  cables,cases and power supplies ,  and  are  richenough!
   1 amount of RAM you have in your computer.(
   1 according to Martyn Sherwood
   1 `1 each (large box)
   1 Yours Faithfully
   1 Yourdedication to us has made  our  dedicationto the Spectrum even stronger!L
   1 You'll  also   have   to   cater  for  twoconditions , insomuch as your routine mustbe aware of the  exact reason a return wasmade to your  code  -  from the first timethe loader was  called  to  the second, ifthe flag byte in A  was not what it shouldhave been when the loader was entered.
   1 You would think that the holidays would   be quite relaxed, but I am still finding  things to do and have only just got round to reading AN16!.
   1 You then XOR L,  which  sets the zero flagso  the  loader   will  actually  commenceloading  bytes,  and  then  do  a  call toaddress  05B7,  the  address  the  programcounter would  have  continued  to  if theflag byte had been a match.
   1 You should be aware that although there isa  fair   amount   of   time   your  extramonitoring part of the  loader can take inmaking it's decisions,  it is not infiniteas the next byte on the tape isn't too faraway and you  must  make  a  return to theloader in time or  a loading error will bethe result.
   1 You may well be asking yourselves, "What'sthe point.  Why  not  just  use the loaderfrom where it is in ROM?"m
   1 You may  care  to  know  that  just as the48K ROM can  miss  loading  errors, so canthis approach, but  it  is reliable enoughto be relied upon to be almost as accurateas the basic interpreter.
   1 You have just inherited a cottage  in  thecountry from one of your long lost  aunts.Everything seems normal  when  you  arriveapart from the absence of the lawyer. Yoursuspicions  are  further  aroused  by  thewords of an old tramp who tells you of thecottages strange reputation. It is  up  toyou to explore the cottage and village andhopefully solve the mystery.
   1 You do remember  me  telling you about theflag byte  being  compared  to  what the Aregister held, and  if that compare faileda return to the  call would be made, don'tyou?
   1 You can see in his letter than Mr Sherwoodis PC orientated. When will he learn  thatyou can't tar all PD with the same  brush.NOTHING  compares   to   Spectrum   PD   -anywhere.
   1 You can actually see the SA/LD-RET addressis on the stack, pushed there by the 'savebytes' routine at address 04C2.s
   1 Yes, it's  the  second  (or  maybe  third)<try fifth.  Ed>  "Desert  Island  Tapes".Before I say which ones I would take  withme, here are two minorly major flaws  withthe  whole  thing  (just  to   spoil   theillusion!):
   1 Wrong! Doesn't care to be merged at all.  I'll load it to a  safe part of memory andhave a  look  at  what  they're  trying tohide.
   1 Write this to address F000:
   1 Would you pay one pound  for  a  ten  lineprogram   which   converted   TaswordO
   1 Wolfgang Haller
   1 With this in mind, I have  built  a  lightgun that requires the  simplest  of  BASICprograms to operate it successfully.x
   1 With this done,  reset the machine becausewe are now going  to combine the two savesof the m/c into one block.n
   1 With most 16 bit libraries,  programs  aresold by EACH title,  not  in  a  group  of15-20 like we do. The titles  cost  aroundONE POUND each, but  that  includes  mediaand postage.
   1 With an individual  statement,  all  thesesavings might seem small. However, in  thecase of a large  program,  especially  onewhere   complex   expressions   occur,   asignificant reduction can often be made byobserving these  points,  over  and  abovethat  achieved   by   just   adding   VALsindiscriminately.  In  other  words,  takecare of the bytes, and the K's look  afterthemselves...
   1 Will the Turing Test ever be passed?  It'simpossible to say. Computer technology  isexpanding rapidly in terms  of  power,  soperhaps it could be done  sooner  than  wethink, but somehow I don't  think  that  aSpectrum will ever pass, not even a 128k!
   1 Will Sherwood  accept  this?  No  way,  hecontinues to harass him, oblivious to  thefact that he's in the wrong with  everyoneagainst him!
   1 Who are dedicated to saving as many of&
   1 When run, a  kind  of  quad-stripe  borderwill appear -  the  PAUSE  influences  thetiming and the  border  zeros  centre  theeffect, if I've  put  them  in  the  rightplace. Experiment by changing the  colours- more than four can be used, but too manyof them will affect the timing  and  causeflicker
   1 When it has loaded,  use your assembler toinspect   address;
   1 When building has finished, the light  guncan  be  calibrated  using  the  followingBasic lines:`
   1 When I once used this by accident,  I  gotthe  report  "N  Statement  lost,   1:90".Firstly, I had  no  FOR-NEXT  loop  in  myprogram and secondly, line 1  had  only  2statements in it! (The maximum allowed  is127). On the 48k, CLEAR makes the computerforget where RETURN should go back to,  sothe  more  sensible  message   "7   RETURNwithout GOSUB"  is  given.  Another  errorreport,  "1  NEXT  without  FOR",  can  beproduced by printing the expression VAL "1.2", a valid number but one  containing  aspace. In 48k mode, this returns the  morerelevant "C Nonsense in BASIC".  Strangelyenough, VAL "1. 2" with  the  space  afterthe decimal point is perfectly acceptable!
   1 Whatever happens,  I've  been  a  Spectrumfanatic since 1982 and every day I  becomemore commited - Heres to the 21st century!~
   1 What would  a  silence  actually  involve?Well, there would be no information  aboutPrism at all in the magazine and it  wouldhave been the first step to  end  it  all.The step Sherwood would NEVER take.
   1 What we now have to  do  is to load in themain block of code to inspect where a JUMPis made  to  once  the  block  of code wasloaded in -  remember,  the machine wasn'tcleared by the basic loader so RAMTOP willbe  FF57  by  default  -  what  the systemvariables  told  us   from   the  code  weinspected wouldn't affect that!
   1 What use is this anyway. Well on many  48kprograms information used  to  be  screendout by using control  characters  to  makethe ink and paper the same so the  listingwas invisible. If you try  to  edit  theselines in +2 or +3 basic you can't re-enterthe line unless you take all  the  controlcodes out again. But now you can switch to48 mode ,edit to your hearts  content  andthen switch back again.
   1 What do  we  find  there  instead  of whatshould be there?:
   1 What about moral and philosophical  issuessuch as "Do you believe in God? Why  not?"or  "Why  does  racism  exist?".  For  thelatter, the computer might answer "Becausehumans are..." thus almost proving that itisn't  one!  How  could  a   computer   beprogrammed to play a guessing game, or  tounderstand  jokes?   How   could   it   beinstructed when and how to use sarcasm  orto change its mood?  And  what  about  itsbackground?  If  you  asked  the  question"What is your mother's  name?",  the  trueanswer from the computer  would  tell  youthat it wasn't the human (or that  it  wasconceived in some rather strange way!).
   1 What I'm going to do now is, is to load in4000 of  these  bytes  to  address 8000. Iwill then have a look around at the systemvariables to decide what action next needstaking.
   1 What I'd do, is I wouldn't cheat like DaveFountain,  and  take  a   tape   full   ofutilities. Oh no, I'm not like that...z
   1 What  I  discovered  is  not  the completestory as I was only interested in the textside of things. Those  of  you who wish toinvestigate the graphics  angle must do sounder your own  steam.  I  will list whereall the system variables  are to be found,both in the resident page, page 2, as wellas the switchable  pages,  0 through to 6,which does not include pages 2, 5 or 7, asyour starter.
   1 West Yorks LS22 4EN
   1 Well, why not come to Blackpool for your  holidays, and ride on our famous trams,   and find out exactly why every otherx
   1 Well, this article is supposed to tell youall what my favourite Five games are, thatI would like to be on a desert island with(+Solar power speccy+Tv!)
   1 Well, if the  flag  is a match, the loaderwill  continue  to   load  in  data  untileither the end of  the block is reached orthe DE  pair  is  decremented  to zero. Inwhich  case  all  you  have  to  do  is todetermine the length of the block - and weall know how that's done now, don't we?
   1 Well, being in RAM, you are able to modifythe  code   to   turn   it   into  a  verycontrollable and selective loading system.~
   1 Well, after  many  hours  of  begging  andpleading, The Ed has fnally decided to letme back into Alchnews. That is, only if  Idonated `50 into Alchemist Funds...
   1 Well, I've covered quite  a  few  more  ofthose nasty bugs here, but doubtless thereare more. If you know some of them (ie youused to be a programmer for Amstrad!!) whynot write your own article about them?
   1 Well,  the   values   of   the  flags  andregisters will tell  you  all  you need toknow!Y
   1 Well,  providing  your  assembler  has notdamaged any of the  code from address 8000up to BFFF, we  can  save out some code totape.
   1 Well that's about  all  this  time  round,next issue I hope to have a  tips  sectionwhere I'll try and  answer  some  of  yourproblems. Of course  for  this  I'll  needsome input from you, so please, if  you'restuck in a game then please write and  askme. Or to tell  me  which  games  to  givesolutions for, or even  just  to  send  meyour comments, they would all  be  greatlyappreciated.
   1 Well actually there is.
   1 We shall load  the  last  save  we made toaddress  28762  (7000),  so  input  LOAD""CODE 28762._
   1 We quote  part  of  the  "HALL  OF  SHAME"article  by  Mr  Davis  from  Alchnews  16listing[
   1 We like to inform you, that  we  have  notonly these older titles.  These  are  alsosome new titles:d
   1 We have  discovered  the  start address ofthe game, no less. And look at the addressabove this and the  next as well.u
   1 We bet that Liar Sherwood (for thats  whathe is) is sighing with relief that this isth last column. But, it won't be over by along shot. Just because we  aren't  aroundto tell the world abou  his  lies  doesn'tmean he'll get off scot  free.  After  twoyears of exposing his tricks  and  frauds,NOBODY is going to trust him any more.
   1 WITH 128 COLOURS!
   1 Victoria Road
   1 Vic Bishop is something  of  a  POWERPRINTexpert. Should you  wish  to  drop  him  aline, send an SAE to:i
   1 Vic Bishop
   1 Various Spectrum and QL books, manuals andover 100 magazines from 1984 onwards.O
   1 VALling  the  number  on  its  own,  stillrequires parentheses:-@
   1 Utimately, the 386, 486 & Pentium CPUs areactually being underused, even with Win95 running on a Pentium, it is still a 32 bitprog underusing a 64 bit processor.
   1 Under Mr Sherwood's structure, you'd  haveto pay `15, and get each title on it's owndisk!Y
   1 U=Unhappy Customer
   1 Turbmow Esprit -  Cruise  the  streets  inyour sit-on mower!<
   1 Trowbridge
   1 Trevor Mossman & Lloyd Garland
   1 Tony Jeenes
   1 To make  this  clear,  if  you examine theaddress held  by  this  variable, at FFD9,the address it  in  turn  points to is thefirst two  byte  verb/noun  entry  for theresponse table  (0101  would  define  * *,
   1 To avoid the Remstore bug  when  using  itfor fonts, make sure that your font has  adummy byte of 255 at the end (eg the 769thbyte). Remstore searches backwards to findthe end of your code, but with  fonts  thelast byte can be  zero  (an  empty  bottomline on the copyright  symbol).  The  onlyproblem with this method is that the fontsno longer load into Art Studio as they aretoo big...  by  one  byte!  The  followingroutine should make your  fonts  safe  forRemstore.
   1 To  ensure  that  the  'B'  drive  is  thedefault drive at switch on, all that needsto be done  is  to  cut  a  gap in the PCBtracks to both the  'A' and 'B' drives andthen,  with   soldered  wire  connections,divert the track  intended  for  pin 23 ofthe 'A' drive to pin  23 of the 'B' drive,and vice-versa, the track intended for pin23 of the 'B' drive  is taken to pin 23 ofthe 'A' drive.
   1 Time now to sort out  a tape onto which wewill manufacture a  back-up  copy from allthe saves we have so far made.r
   1 Thomas Eberle, SUC
   1 This would be easy to do if making a cableup, the big advantage being that with bothdrives set as drive 1, you  dont  have  tofiddle about with the  jumpers  ,  and  ifyour drive(s) already had leads, you couldfit a socket instead of a  plug  and  justplug one cable into the  other!  Somethingto think about eh?
   1 This worked perfectly. Odd,  since  all  Idid was give the SCREEN$ input a  separatevariable. I assume that, for some  reason,SCREEN$ cannot be used in certain types ofexpression.  I  don't  know  if  this  bugoccurs in 48k mode, but knowing Alan Sugar(not  personally,  mind!)  I'd  guess   itdoesn't.
   1 This service is  to  supply  programs  forusers of the "Z80" or compatable emulatorson the  PC.  Our  proudest  collection  isGREMIN GAMES, over  30  games  by  GremlinGraphics, including all MONTY  titles  and'new' ones  like  Lotus  Turbo  Challenge.
   1 This service has been temporarilly removeddue to one or two complaints from  readersabout cheques being cashed, but  no  goodssent. Enquiry letters and calls have  beenignored.
   1 This routine will  load  the block of codeto address 3000, in  ROM. The last byte ofthe block will be  loaded to address EFFF,and it will  either  attempt  to  load theblock in again if  there  was an error, orit  will  wait  till   a  key  is  pressedbefore saving out the block we need.
   1 This person (should they  actualy  exist),requested photocopies of the proof we haveagainst Martyn Sherwood, and that we wouldbe reimbursed any costs involved.
   1 This parity byte is a means of determiningwhether or not  there  was a loading erroras it is  checked  against  the H registerafter all the other bytes have been loadedin - H is  a  result of adding each loadedbyte to it (it  is initiallized to zero atthe start of  the  block)  and when the DEregister pair reach  zero, the parity byteis fetched off  the  tape  and the value Hholds is loaded  to  the A register, whichin turn is XORed  with  L (which holds theparity byte) and the result should be zeroif there was not a loading error.
   1 This mode  is  convenient  if  you wish touse COPY "A:*.*" TO  "B:"  or COPY "A:" TO"B:" on, say, a 3.5" disc, if that is whatyou have fitted to the 'B' drive connectorof the +3.
   1 This list is the definitive guide to UK PDand should cover all tastes.F
   1 This is what made the 8-bit home computer scene so memorable, you could buy a home  computer, a Speccy, Amstrad or Commode, ersorry, Commodore, and that was it.
   1 This is the main problem with Format in myopinion, too little  content,  not  enoughquality. A paper based magazine for such asmall  readership   however   loyal   justdoesn't cut it anymore if the  aim  is  tomake it financially viable. Is  there  anyproof for this observation.
   1 This is definitely a  well  written  game,the locations and text  are  well  thoughtout which makes the game  more  involving.There is a definite mysterious  atmospherewhich helps keep your attention.
   1 This column will be shorter and unfunnier than usual <No change there then - ED> as the deadline for this issues column has   been moved forward to NOW! AAA
   1 This article has  nothing  to  do with theSwedish group,  even  though  to date theystill rank as  one  of my favourite bands,it  is,  in   fact,  concerned  with  discdrives and the +3.
   1 Think yourselves  lucky!  I  had  to teachmyself all I know  - there was no-one likeme around when  I  began learning, to givea guiding hand.
   1 Thinger,Breakaway, Chequered Flag,  Chess,  CluedoCodename Mat, Confuzion, Cyrus  is  Chess,Daley  Thompson  Decathlon,  Digger   Dan,Exodus, Fighter Pilot,  Flight  Simulator,Haunted Hedges, Highway Encounter,  HobbitHorace and  the  Spiders,  Horizons  tape,Make a Chip, Mr Freeze, Kentilla, Komplex,Matchpoint,   Personal   Banking   System,Planet of Death, Roadtoad, Snooker,  Spawnof  evil,  Star   Trader,   Super   Cycle,Survival, Tarzan,  Travel  with  Trashman,Ugh!, Vakyrie 17, Viper III, Vu  Calc,  VuFile, Zig Zag, Spectrum + user  tape,  abcliftoff, Countabout,
   1 They've followed this by  a PRINT AT 22,0;:LOAD "" CODE.8
   1 These games are: Mercenary! Top game!  I'dhave hours of fun flying about on Targ andI could pretend that I was actually tryingto escape from the  island.  <Let  me  getthis straight - you're stuck on an  islandand you take a game where you're stuck  ona planet? Ed>
   1 Theres also  more  proof  that  he's  beenmisleading  people,  which   two   neutralparties can vouch for.j
   1 There's no danger of things getting out ofhand  as  nothing  of  importance  can  beloaded over even if  you  let the tape runright till the end.
   1 There's  nothing  to  prevent   it   beingarranged as follows (and disposing of  thebrackets in the process):-n
   1 There you go! C000  bytes  to be loaded toaddress 4000.7
   1 There you are! The line number is correct,but the number  of  bytes  for the line isFFOO - that's the anti-merge mod.!v
   1 There is still a fair amount  of  magazinecoverage,   although   the   majority   iscombined with the SAM.j
   1 There is not that much  text  to  read  inthis game. The room descriptions are shortas are the responses. This can  be  usefulas it is easy to see what objects must  beinteracted with.
   1 There is no need to alter any of the callsas a return  to  your  loader will be madefrom the routines in the  ROM - if you canput two and two together, you will realizeyour loader  doesn't  need  to include thetwo  routines  in  the  ROM  loader  namedLD-EDGE-1 and LD-EDGE-2.
   1 There is also an additional hidden byte inall blocks,  which  again  isn't  normallyloaded (more of  this  later)  and this iscalled the  parity  byte  and  is the lastbyte of the block.
   1 There are just  a  few  programs  I  wouldlike, if you  could  oblige  please  Andy,I've  listed  them  at  the  end  of  thisletter.
   1 There are  much  more  things  to  mentionabout this program, but believe me, it  isthe best  assembler  ever  programmed.  Itknows all known and unknown  instructions,such as XOR HX  or  INC  LY...  PROMETHEUScomes on tape with 48k and 128k  versions,upgrades,  some   examples   and   Englishinstructions.
   1 There   have   been   many   attempts   bylinguistic programmers to  write  languageconvertors which translate  not  only  thewords  but  also  the  grammar   and   allrecognised idioms.  However,  due  to  thehuge number of words and  phrases  in  anylanguage, there has been little success asyet, as can be illustrated by this  story.After hours  of  work  on  an  English  toRussian language program, it was  run  andgiven the phrase "Out  of  sight,  out  ofmind". The problem arose when the  Russianwas translated back  -  all  the  computercould come up with was "Blind idiot"!
   1 Theo Develegas
   1 Then after I'd gotten  fed  up  with  LastNinja and Mercenary, I would play  R-Type!This is another good game  I  have,  whichinvolves  mindlessly  flying   about   andblowing things up! I  like  this  sort  ofgame, as it doesn't involve any effort  toplay! You just fly about the screen,  ehm,blowing things up!!
   1 Then  again,  I   doubt  if  anyone  wouldprosecute you for producing a back-up copyof an original  package  you  own for youruse alone.
   1 Their  catalogue  contains  thousands   oftitles, all at very  low  prices.  Besidesnew titles, he can also get some  classicstoo.  Theres  even   provision   for   +3,Microdrive, Opus and +D  programs.  For  acatalogue,  send   an   IRC.   Also,   seeelsewhere   in   this   issue   for   moreinformation.
   1 The way to  do  this  is  quite straight -forward. All you  need  do  is push A ontothe stack and  then  use  this register totest the IX pair. If  IX is the same valueas when the loader was entered, then it isreasonable  to   assume   the  return  wasbrought  about  by   the  A  register  notcontaining the correct  flag reference andnot a load error -  it is very unusual forthe first  byte  of  a  block  to  cause aloading  error  if   the   flag  byte  wascorrect.
   1 The way Mr  Sherwood  suggests,  he  wouldmake Spectrum PD the same.D
   1 The variables  in  all  the switched pagesare  identical and  the  first of these isthe start address of  a  table of two bytepointers  for  the  response  and  processtables -  this  variable  always points tothe response table  as response is process0 - the number  of these two byte pointerswill total  the  greatest numbered processtable used  in  the  adventure,  plus one,allowing for response (process 0).
   1 The variable area starts at 9DCC and from experience, I'd say  that  what's there isa FOR variable  loop (wonder what deleted lines made  use  of  that  -  wonder why aCLEAR  wasn't  done  to  get  rid  of  thevariables?).
   1 The value  A  contains  can  be any numberfrom 0 to FF. However, A must always matchthe flag  byte  of  the  saved  block from'save bytes'  at  address  04C2  -  I willcover this routine at a later date.
   1 The subject of cash is also  questionable.Surely a fully registered  business  wouldnot be able to  hand  out  free  software,beacuse of their  financial  committments.The fact he states that hobbyists  or  theunemployed need to make customers  pay  infull suggests that Mr Sherwood  is  in  itfor a little money on the side.
   1 The screen  pic  after  this  text shows abasic  mod  for  ensuring  the  'B'  driveis the default drive  at  switch on of the+3.
   1 The routine you write should incorporate asimilar piece of  code  to  the demo job afew pages ago. This  is  purely to do awaywith the  delay  SA/LD-RET  takes before areturn is made to your routine.
   1 The reason for this was because: 
   1 The question is WHY did he not mention theBETRAYED PROGRAMMERS and UNHAPPY CUSTOMERScatgories? The answer  is  because  if  hedid, a number of the  names  listed  wouldhave been able to answer  yes  to  one  ofthem! Nice trick, but it didn't work!
   1 The program here has found the  phrase  "IAM..." and merely tacks  "WHAT  MAKES  YOUTHINK THAT" onto the beginning and changesit to the response for  "I  AM"  which  is"YOU ARE".
   1 The problem with this sort of  program  isthat it is very  limited  -  you  couldn'treally use it as a  psychiatrist,  and  itwould make a boring friend for anyone  butJohn Major! Also, if you  enter  the  samething twice, you will invariably  get  thesame reply or one which  is  very  similar(if it picks random  replies  relating  toyour key word).
   1 The principle here, is that  by  including"1" inside an EXISTING  VAL,  we  use  onebyte less than a  separate  SGN  PI  wouldtake. (Similar comments apply to  NOT  PI,INT PI, and so on.)
   1 The power connector at  the  back  of  thedrive has four pins with a locating tonguethat locks the plug into place , to removethe plug you  need  to  gently  lever  thetongue away to release  the  plug  as  youpull it off. If you (like I did)  need  tofit a new one , then the power connectionsare as follows :-
   1 The plug I got was in  three  pieces  thatsnap together (can be a little sod to takeback apart, but it can be  done!)  -  mindyou don't snap it together untill you  aresure  you  have   the   cable   and   plugorientated  correctly.  If  you  lay   thecentre bar on its back you will  see  thatit has grooves to  locate  the  cable  andholes   to   locate   the   self   cuttingconnectors on the plug body.
   1 The playing area is fairly large and  evenhas the odd maze  or  two.  Some  locationdescriptions are long and rich with detailwhile others are fairly sparse. Even  withthis the game still lacks atmosphere.  Theobstacles are  well  thought  out  and  ittakes  time  to  work  out  some  of   thetrickier ones. But to me the game  doesn'treally have any  lasting  appeal.  If  youlike  making  maps  then  you'll  probablyenjoy this game  but  overall  I  find  itpretty average.
   1 The parity byte will also have been loadedand the IX  pair  will  point  to the nextaddress to where it was loaded to.v
   1 The other sort of general  knowledge,  forwhich the computer's no doubt vast  memorybanks would have to be constantly updated,is  current  affairs.  If  the  questionerasked "How many numbers do you choose  forthe UK National Lottery?" or "Who won  theFA Cup last  year?",  the  computer  wouldhave to know  the  facts  -  these  thingscannot be deduced by logic  alone!  Betterstill,  you  could  ask   "Who   won   theEurovision Song Contest in 1328?", knowingdamn  well  there  wasn't  one!  The  poorcomputer probably wouldn't know  what  theSong Contest was, and would probably  givesome guessed answer like "Norway", perhapsa bit of a giveaway!
   1 The only thing that seems not quite  rightis that BOTH drive motors spin  for  everydisc  operation,  is   this   unavoidable?Anybody help me out on  this  one  please?<Miles covered this previously, see a backissue. Ed>
   1 The only problem  we  have  now  is if themachine is cleared  to  the address 23935,in any basic loader,  no matter how frugalyou care to be, there won't be enough freespace  for  more  than  just  a  couple ofcommands, let  alone  lines! Therefore, weare going to  have  to think deviously andclear the  machine  to  65367, the defaultvalue at switch on, which if you remember,the old stack is  still at that address inthe code of the game - you've got to be onthe ball all of  the  time in this hackinglark!
   1 The only other  test  left  is to load thegame in from the  back-up copy we made, tosee if the  machine  being  cleared to thewrong address has any adverse effect.
   1 The next game would be Last Ninja 2 Remix.Then I cold run about  beating  people  upand pretend they were the people  who  putme on the island!
   1 The next bug in my  growing  list  is  onewhich me old mate Miles  Kinloch  informedme about. It doesn't quite  hold  with  mytheme because it's  machine  code  relatedand not BASIC, but it only occurs  on  the128k
   1 The next address on  the stack is 1B76 andit is the return address  to be made to inthe 48K  ROM  ('STATEMENT-RET' SUBROUTINE)after the save routine finished saving outthe block of code.
   1 The new FOUNTAIN PD  address  will  be  asfollows:2
   1 The names Sherwood 'forgot' to add  to thelist:/
   1 The name Amstrad is  an  acronym  of  AlanMichael Sugar TRADing (he had to  get  hisname in!), but as he  no  longer  supportshis 8-bit machines, I  think  the  Amstradclubs (if they exist!) should rename theircomputers. How about Amsiab - Alan MichaelSugar is a b... sorry, it's a  family  magisn't it?!
   1 The moral here is, is  if you are not sureof the results you are getting then doublecheck  by  calling  the  loader  with  thevalues you obtained  by  the above method.If they are  correct  you  will only see acarry returned by the loader.
   1 The main use being that the IX pair can bemonitored and altered  at will without theloading process being interrupted.v
   1 The main purpose of this article, then, isto examine the  use  of  VAL  in  compoundexpressions;  an  area  which   frequentlyoffers  scope  for  greater  economy,  butwhich many programmers seem to overlook.
   1 The list of people  is  reprinted.  Besideeach name you  will  see  a  letter.  Thisdenotes why they have been involed.w
   1 The list goes on and on. What would happenif you repeatedly asked the same question?At best, the computer  would  keep  saying"Don't repeat yourself"  -  at  worst,  itwould repeat  its  answer  over  and  overagain!
   1 The last game I would take, will  have  tobe Myth. This is by far, the best game  onSpeccy  that  I've  played.  (Except   forMercenary of  course!)  Myth  is  a  funkygame, and I would spend many hours junpingabout,  destroying  excellently   animatedskeletons and Vikings and things.
   1 The improved speed and performance that   Windows 95 is supposed to offer is notP
   1 The game's plot is that  you  control  twoagents  whose  mission  is  to  recover  acrystal from the  planet  of  Marego.  Thecrystal  was  brought  to  Marego  by   aninvading army from another planet.
   1 The game must be  loaded in either USR0 OR48K mode.3
   1 The game itself is involving but it can bea bit off putting when you  are  stuck  onsome of the harder problems. The  text  iswell  written  and   the   humour   reallybrightens up the game.
   1 The game begins with you sitting  in  yourbedroom after being wakened up by  strangelights and voices.  On  closer  inspectionyou discover a strange cloud outside  yourfront door. You soon find  out  that  JackFrost has messed up all the weather in theweather city of cloud 99. It is up to  youto set the weather back the way it  shouldbe.
   1 The flag  byte  of  any  save  made by theroutine  at  04C2  can  be  determined  byloading the A  register  with zero, the DEpair with a number  greater than zero, theIX pair with an  address of your choosing,setting the  carry  flag  and then calling'load bytes'.
   1 The first save is  the  screen and that isat address  8000.  So  do  a SAVE "(NAME)"CODE  32768,  6912  to  save  the  screen,followed  by  SAVE  "(NAME)"  CODE  40320,8832, which is the code  of the game up toaddress BFFF that we  loaded in - we don'tneed  the  basic  as  we  know  where  themachine was cleared to.
   1 The first problem I had  was  obtaining  adrive ,the local computer shops had plentyof HD 3.5" drives ,  but  no  DD  (1  meg)drives, and when I explained what I wantedit for nearly got frozen out of the shop !(WE ONLY DEAL WITH IBM COMPATIBLES -- SIR!what you want is obsolete, we  would  haveto fit it ourselves SIR - but that sort ofthing is too expensive  even  i  we  couldstill obtain them -  How  about  a  PROPER(IBM compatible) system?
   1 The first part would detail setting up themap objects and moving a round as well  asmanipulating  objects  (ooer  missus)  andprogress from there.
   1 The first  method  uses  three  VALs;  thesecond, only one,  and  is  therefore  sixbytes shorter. In other words, if  insteadof  VALling  each  number  separately,  weenclose the WHOLE EXPRESSION in  a  SINGLEVAL, this is less  wasteful.  (128K  usersbeware: the 128K Editor changes any tokenswithin quotes to  the  individual  lettersthat comprise them, so always use 48K modeto enter or edit such statements.)
   1 The end of the line is at address 9DCB, ifyou loaded the basic to 9CCB.G
   1 The connecting cable, if you open the caseof your  existing  drive,  will  probableyhave an identical plug fitted to each end,look at the cable carefuly, one  edge  maybe marked with a coloured stripe -this  isuseful to make sure you have the plugs theright way round when you plug it into  thedisc drive.
   1 The column was written  in  just a day andin my rush to  get  it  to Andy before thedeadline, perhaps I  did  not allow myselfenough  time  to   check  for  errors  andspelling mistakes.
   1 The circuit diagrams  shown  includes  allthe components to connect the light gun tothe Speccy. However, the light sensor (MEL12)  needs  to  only  see  a  small   viewotherwise it would detect  unwanted  lightsources. This is why a  Dirty  Harry  typebarrel is needed. A  hollow  plastic  tubemeasuring  25cm  long  and  15mm  diameterwould be ideal, allowing the light  sensorto be enclosed at one end (fig3).  In  theSLR there was also a convex lens. By usingthis lens it was possible to make the  gunmore accurate and increase it's  range.  Alens  of  this  type   would   be   almostimpossible to obtain, so we need  to  relyon the plastic tube instead.
   1 The cheapest CP/M library ever seen.$
   1 The catalogue was larger and the excellentAlchNews  was   always   informative   andentertaining.a
   1 The article was written by Paul Howard,   along with another article about theN
   1 The answer to  that  is  a simple, NO, I'mnot!.
   1 The answer is quite simple because, again,the block of  code  will  not be loaded toit's  intended  address  but  to somewhereelse.
   1 The United Minds.
   1 The United Minds Team
   1 The Turing Test seems the best measure  ofAI, and although it is harsh and will  notbe passed for years, if at all, artificialintelligence is an area in which  we  havelittle skill. Critics of the Test say thatphysical  skill  should  be  involved,  egplaying a  game  of  catch  or  hitting  atarget, but how could this be done so thatyou could see the ball/target but not  theopponent?! I can't  imagine  the  computerbeing put in a suit of armour to write thealphabet in handwriting (would all its A'sbe exactly the same?) or to play a game oftennis, but who knows?
   1 The Spectrum is generally regarded  as  aneight-colour machine, but using the  righttechniques,  many  more  colours  can   beachieved. Some would call it cheating, butby making patterns and giving them ink andpaper colours, lots of subtle  shades  canbe created, and rather than blue, red  andyellow, users of  the  humble  Speccy  cantalk of vermilion, ecru and aquamarine andmake 16-million-colour PC owners  jealous!(The PCs have 16 million colours, not  theowners!). <16.7 actually. Ed>
   1 The STEP -1 ensures that  the  numbers  goDOWN in steps of one -  but  what  if  youleave it out altogether? As expected,  theloop is ignored. What actually happens  isthat the BASIC interpreter  finds  a  loopwithout a negative STEP and in  which  thestart value is higher than the end one. Ittherefore skips the loop, but this can  dounusual things. Try this (be  careful,  itresets the computer!):
   1 The Rectory
   1 The Holidays are definitely here, and the weather has been HOT HOT HOT!, so I read  with interest that a number of AN writers were going on holiday.
   1 The Editor.
   1 The DE pair are used  as a counter for howmany bytes there are  in  the data block -decremented after every loaded byte.x
   1 The CARRY flag is used to determine if theroutine  is  to  be  used  for  loading orverifying.^
   1 The A register  is  the  flag  byte of thedata  block  -  this   flag  byte  is  notactually loaded. It  is  the first byte ofthe  block  and  it  is  compared  to  thereference flag byte  A  contained when theroutine was called.
   1 The 80 byte  marker  of  the expand tokensdictionary  for  compressed   text  is  ataddress (944C)+1. The  last letter of eachtoken has bit  7  set  -  while I'm on thesubject, it should  be remembered that allother
   1 The 'load bytes' routine in the ROM can bere-located  to  pretty  well  anywhere youchoose to put it  in RAM. It only requiressome minor modifications  to  the code forit  to  run   quite   happily,  either  incontended or uncontended  memory - I don'tcare what  you  have  read elsewhere aboutthe  timings  being   upset  in  a  loadersituated in contended  memory.  I make therules up here ...  if I say something willwork, then it will do!
   1 The 'B'  drive  becomes  the default driveand the 'A'  drive  is  not  mapped in (noconnection to pin 23).j
   1 The 'B'  drive  becomes  the default drive'A'. The 'A' drive  becomes the 'B' drive.T
   1 The 'A' drive is the default drive and the'B' drive is mapped in as such (normal).R
   1 The 'A' drive is the default drive and the'B'  drive  is  not  mapped  in  as  thereis  no  connection   to   pin  23  of  itsdrive (even if  it  is  fitted and poweredup).
   1 The  value  of   the  IX  pair  determinesthe  start  address  of  where  any  blockto  be   loaded   begins.   The  pair  areincremented after every byte loaded.
   1 The  two  agents  you  control  are  exactoppostites. One is the  intellectual  typewhile the other is strong but  illiterate.The first thing  to  do  is  to  help  theagents meet up as they won't get very  faron their own.
   1 The  subsequent  verb/noun  entry  followsafter the previous condacts pointer, whichin turn is  succeeded  by the next condactpointer, and so  on  and  so  on until theterminal marker  (
   1 The  program,  anyway,  will   define   asgraphic character A a rather nice  patternwhich, on a TV set,  looks  like  a  weirdpinkish-brown,  but,  on  a  monitor,   isrevealed as a pattern of  little  dots  orPIXELS.
   1 The  main  part  of  any  file  begins  ataddress 9300 and  occupies memory in pages2 and 0.\
   1 The  game  plays   fairly   well   really,featuring  a  large  playing  area,   goodvocbulary, well thought out  problems  andatmospheric text. It features a good rangeof different  locations  which  help  holdyour intrest in the game. In fact once youget into  this  game  it's  hard  just  toleave.
   1 The  first  op   code  instruction  is  F3(disable interrupts) so we can safely callthis address from basic!l
   1 The  best  multi-computer  magazine  since"Your Computer", some 13 years  ago!  Manyhave tried and failed by 8BIT  is  a  surewinner. Coverage is between Commodore, PCWand Spectrum, with more  emphasis  on  thelatter.
   1 The  "A"  in  line  30  is   the   graphiccharacter, not the letter.  Assuming  thisworks, you'll see  a  rather  nice  effectwhich the more sentimental of you may wishto  save  for  future  use.  There's   oneproblem with this method of "new colours",however - due to  ink  and  paper  coloursfilling up  the  whole  of  any  charactersquare to which they are applied, it wouldseem that only squares  can  be  produced.What if you wanted an orange triangle, forexample?
   1 The   questioner   is   allowed   to   askabsolutely any question to try to fool thecomputer into giving a mechanical  answer.Questions invariably include "tricky ones"which  a   computer   would   have   greatdifficulty  in  answering   realistically.These can be split into seven groups:
   1 The   diagram   I   have   drawn   of  themodified circuit board  of  the  +3 is notexact because  the  relative  positions ofthe connectors to  one  another is offset.However, it is  correct  in respect to thelayout and  pin  numbering  as viewed fromthe reverse side  of  the  board (the sideyou need to work on) of the +3.
   1 That's where the  game  begins.  Once  youmanage to get into the castle  you'll  getlumbered with even more problems.The  gameis not too  hard  if  you  read  the  textcarefully.  It  is  important  to  examineeverything. Most obstacles can be  ovecomewith a bit of common sense.
   1 That's that, then.
   1 That's  a   fair   enough  question  whichdeserves answering.=
   1 That is one method of determining the flagbyte a block, which although only requiresyou do  it  just  the  once,  isn't reallysatisfactory and I  will  later show a setup  for  an  auto  flag  byte  determiningloading routine.
   1 That about wraps up all  I think I need totell you about  'load  bytes'. If anythingelse comes to mind  about it I will updateyou in a later column.
   1 That  concludes  the  list  of  the systemvariables to be  found  in  page  2 and itshould be noted these are available at alltimes to PAW,  regardless whichever of thefive usable pages  are  switched in at thetop end of memory.
   1 Thanks to: Albert Harper
   1 Thanks for your thousands of  letters  andtelephone   calls   of@
   1 Thanks for the great service,
   1 Thanks for sending the  other  programs  -Piano is cute!, are you the  Andrew  Davisthat wrote it? It seems  to  like  to  runbest from line 28!
   1 Thank you for your letter dated 2/8/95.  Iwill have one  more  try  to  resolve  thematter regarding 'free' software (EVEN  MrBrenchley wasn't  successful  despite  hisyears of experience & knowledge!), then ifyou still prefer your view on the  subject- so be it.
   1 Tel: 01952 462135
   1 Tel: 01625 617262
   1 Tel: 01494 871319
   1 Tel: 01353 777006
   1 Tape & Disk magazines
   1 Take, for instance:-
   1 Take, for example, the statement:-"
   1 TRADING POST. A mega  big  issue,!
   1 THE SECRET OF LITTLE HODCOME - This is oneof my favourite adventure  games.It  couldjust be the plot that appeals to me but  Istill find this to be a good, well writtengame.
   1 THE LABOURS OF HERCULES - This is quite anold game and it shows. Although  there  isnothing  especially  wrong  with  it,   itdoesn't really rise above average.
   1 THE  DOMES  OF  SHA   -   Ah,   yes.   Thetraditional fantasy adventure game,  everycompilation  should  have  at  least  one.Fortunately this  one  is  actually  quitegood.
   1 TASMAN, creators of the excellent  TASWORDwordprocessors still sell their three besttitles.[
   1 TANGO & MAGIC DICE is a small  compilationof two strategic games . Both getting  topratings in reviews of ZAT, Spectrum UK  orchic Computer Club. In Tango you  have  tohelp your friend finding his home, but  hecan only walk one time over the squares tohis home. MAGIC  DICE  is  another  TETRISclone, this time with cubes.
   1 T.A.W. supply adventure games for  a  widevariety of computers, including  CP/M  andthe Spectrum.  Most  software  is  writtenwith PAW, GAC or QUILL and can be suppliedon  tape  or  disk.   The   22   page   A4Spectrum catalogue goes into great  detailof all their available  titles,  giving  awell written scenario,  game  type,  partsand prices. This catalogue  details  seven128k   adventures   and   over   64
   1 Sweevmow's World - Collect objects to  mowdown the mad robots!>
   1 Sutton-In-The-Isle
   1 Suppose you have  no  idea  how many bytesare in a block you want to load in.M
   1 Suppose you have  a  block  of code, as inthe straight through type of loader, whichis C000 bytes long, it is difficult if notimpossible to  find  the  space  to put itall.
   1 Supplier   of   ZX   Microdrives,!
   1 Sub-Editor:
   1 Str M. Kogalniceanu
   1 Stockton-on-Tees,
   1 Stefan Ballerstaller   U
   1 Stefan Ballerstaller
   1 Star Micronics
   1 Staffs.  ST3 5BH
   1 Staff Writers
   1 South Wales
   1 Sorry! But if  you  had  let me finish thesentence, I would have  added:-I
   1 Sorry for all the  work  I've set you, butyou will undoubtebly find what I have toldyou of great use as a hacking aid.v
   1 Something Rather Strange
   1 Some of the above are pushing  it  a  bit,but they look good in  games  nonetheless.(Another good UDG for shading is one whichhas BIN 10101010 all  the  way  down  likethin bars). Now, there are  eight  coloursas  we  know,  but  by  using  the  BRIGHTcommand (except on certain monitors  whichdon't show any difference)  another  eightcan   be   produced,
   1 Some five years before the  Magnum,  therewas another offering for the  avid  Speccyshootist. It was called  the  STACK  LIGHTRIFLE, and arguably the  worst  light  gunever made. Never  the  less,  most  ownerswere pleasantly surprised when they openedthe box for the first time. Not  only  wasthere a pistol, but a  wood  effect  stockextension, telescopic sights, and a barrelDirt Harry would have been proud of!
   1 Solomon's Key, Rick Dangerous 2,  Renegade3.,
   1 Software companies wrote software that&
   1 Softsell is the  last  remamining Spectrumsoftware hire  library.A
   1 So, with this  in  mind,  we can determinewhat the letters  of  each file define andwhich saves are paired together.t
   1 So, when the  DOS  selects  the 'A' drive,pin 23 of that drive  is taken low. If the'B' drive is selected  then  pin 23 of itsdrive is taken low.
   1 So, what did he do? He comprised a letter,supposedly to the whole list of people  inthe "Hall of Shame". It went like this:{
   1 So, the pointer for  the process 1 pointerwould be  the  address  held  at (FFD9)+2,process 2 (FFD9)+4  and  so  on - the moreastute of you will  realize you double thenumber of the  table  you  wish to look atand add that to  the  address held in FFD9to arrive at it's pointer address.
   1 So, that means because he  hasn't  writtento certain people, he knows he  is  guiltyof the "crimes" he had caused  with  them!Talk about putting your foot in it!
   1 So, settle back  for  a rather intense andprolonged  tutorial.  Fear   not,  I  willdemonstrate all  I  promised  to  show youwithin this issue ... eventually!!!
   1 So, now direct  your  attention to addressA167  (remember  we've   just  loaded  thecode 1000 lower in memory than it normallyresides at).
   1 So, all I have to do now is to clear 32767and input  LOAD""  CODE  32768  and wait acouple of minutes till I think enough datahas  been  loaded  in.
   1 So, Sherwood - going to print that in yourmagazine and  show  your  readers  what  aliar and hipocrite you really are?!w
   1 So, AlchNews  continues,  with  more  helpfrom some readers  who  have  become  verygood friends. However, I would like to  domore  writing  inthe  Spectrum  field  andit may be nice to  see  a  new  editor  incharge. All contributions would go to themand it could be mastered  and  distributedby them, or by us  as  normal.  The  idealcandidate  must  be  knowledgable  of  allwordprocessors used on  the  Spectrum  andtextfile converters, plus a wide range  ofmachines is probably  needed,  +D  and  +3(twin drive) essential.  But,  I'll  leavethe details to anyone who requests furtherinformation.
   1 So,  why  has  he  pestered?  He  got   nosympathy from Brian Gaff who telephoned meimmediately to ask what he was up to. WhenI explained that I had ended the  businessBEFORE  Sherwood  printed  and  sent   theletters, it was obvious he was doing it tocontinue the  problem.  Brian  is  rightlyignoring his letter. He wanted  to  remainneutral. We honoured that.  Sherwood  doesso by pestering him AGAIN!
   1 So,  the  easiest  way  to  calculate  thelength of the block is to push IX onto thestack and pop HL,  followed by a decrementHL,  to  compensate  for  the  parity bytehaving been loaded  and  the IX pair beingincremented once more  than it should havebeen.
   1 So think  yourselves  very fortunate, stopmoaning  and  groaning,  sit  up  and takenotice for  I  will  describe  this to youonly once!
   1 So much for that, then. Nothing more I canthink of to make  use  of the 'load bytes'in the ROM ...b
   1 So having proved  the  flag  byte in A wasincorrect, you then  pop  A  off the stack(to  balance  it)   and   then  load  thisregister with the  L  register (this holdsthe  actual  flag   byte)  and  then  pokeagain the same address  you poked with theA  register  just  before  you  called theloader (again, so  you  know what the flagbyte of the block is later).
   1 So having moved the  loader to RAM, deletethe four  bytes  which  push the SA/LD-RETaddress onto the  stack  and then the onlyother mod you  need  do  for the loader tooperate is to change the only JUMP addressthere is in  the  loader  ...  In the ROM,this is at address  05D5. You will have tore-write the jump  address  in your loaderto the relevant place within it.
   1 So after I'd be bored from R-Type, I wouldhave Arkanoid 2! Yep,  I  also  like  thatsort of Bats'N'Balls clone game, where allyou do, is control a bat  to  hit  a  ballabout the place! Actually,  this  type  ofgame is not really amazing, but I find  itreally good to play.
   1 So  here's  where   I   bring  on  anotherSpectrum so  as  to  hack  ZOOT  and writeabout what I'm doing at the same time.z
   1 So  consider   yourself   well  and  trulywarned!1
   1 So  Feedback  please.  Remember,  althoughadventues  created  in  Basic   are   morelimited in many ways they can be  just  asinteresting as any M/coded  versions  withthe added attraction that you know exactlyhow it all works together.
   1 Sintech is possibly the  world  leader  insupplying old and new  Spectrum  programs.All old titles are in stock and  some  newones are exclusively produced for  Sintechby Alternative Software.
   1 Silviu Stroie, RAMTOP magazine
   1 Shropshire
   1 Should the page  contain any messages, thefirst byte  will  hold  the  first messagenumber to be found in that page.t
   1 Sheepsoft PD
   1 Set=LOAD. Reset=VERIFY.
   1 Sergeant  Seymower   -   Catch   all   thecriminals in the garden!B
   1 Send blank disk  and  SAE  for  catalogue.Thousands of titles, with  many  differentemulators.^
   1 Send an SAE  for  their  comprehensive  A5catalogue dealing with the Amiga, Amstrad,Atari, Commodore, PC and Spectrum. Lots ofSpectrum hardware and spares available  atthe lowest prices.
   1 Selanswei 25
   1 See you on the 18th! Please send a SAE anda blank 3.5" +D disc or a cassette if  youalso  want  the  free  Library  mag  (thisincludes the FONT LIBRARY in graphic  formso you can see what fonts we actually haveon offer!)
   1 See you  in  a  few  minutes if everythinggoes off okay, or  three months time if itdoesn't!\
   1 Secondly, there is the  fact  he  HAS  NOTWRITTEN to some of the names on the  list.Not surprisingly these people are  who  hehas had the most trouble with, and in  thepast year, such as the United Minds, LloydGarland,  Albert  Harper,  Miles  Kinloch,Theo Develegas!
   1 Save  this   basic   to   the   tape,  notforgetting to make  line  10 the  auto-runline.Y
   1 STAR USERS CLUB: No change.
   1 SPECTRUM to get  to  48  mode (thats a newone).
   1 SOFTWARE HELP:  The  +D,  +3  and  MD/Opusutility   collections   will   stillN
   1 SO FAR SO GOOD! That should  have  the  +Dlinked to two drives, now  there  is  justthe  power  supplies  and  switching   thedrives to sort out, together  with  casingthe drives.
   1 SJS2 AMSTRAD JOYSTICK (Seems to prefer&
   1 S.C. sells a wide range  of  Spectrum  andSAm  software,  including   an   excellentwordprocessor,b
   1 Roy has explained that he WAS  an  UnhappyCustomer, therefore  his  mention  in  theHall of Shame was a valid  point,  and  hewill be making a report in AlchNews  abouthow he wishes to  remain  neutral  in  thematter, but also stands by the article  hewrote for AlchNews 10C  complaining  aboutthe poor quality software he ordered.
   1 Route De Bel Air
   1 Ronald Raaijen
   1 Romantic Robot
   1 Roger G41DE
   1 Roelof Koning, SGG
   1 Robert Skene &
   1 Robert  Skene,  Joyce  Cook,  Roy  Benson,Bradby Boys Club, Cattell,  Chic  ComputerClub, Alec Carswell, Ben  Douglas,  ThomasEberle, Craig Elder, Brian  Gaff,  BarbaraGibb,  Lloyd  Garland,  Matt  Beal,   MarkHarris, Albert Harper, Johan Koning, MilesKinloch, Extacy-3, David Ledbury,  PatrickMorriss, Marcus Prichard,  Darren  Randle,Garry  Rowland,   Michael   Meyer,   JamesWaddington, Theo Develegas."
   1 Right, then. Here's where it begins to getcomplicated, so hang on to your hats!O
   1 Right, that should do it for  now  -  more"Miscellaneous  Characters"  next   month.<Yes, I found it very interesting  -  Ed>.<<Oi - I didn't say that. Ed>>
   1 Right, excuse me  while  I merge the basicto see if  it  has  been  tampered with ornot. I doubt very  much  it has as there'sreally no need to do so.
   1 Right! I'm off  to  bed  for  a good, longsleep. It's now well  into the 8th of Juneand I've  been  hard  at  this  column allof yesterday and part of today!
   1 Right! I'll make this  as  simple as I canfor you.2
   1 Right thats enougth rambling from  me  fornow. Hope to see you in a future issueP
   1 Richard Wilson
   1 Richard Main.
   1 Richard Coles
   1 Realistically, most businesses are using  286/386 & in some cases 486 PCs, butN
   1 Ray's Plus 3 Bit
   1 RUN (to reset the system variables) then  PRINT USR 233259
   1 ROBOCOP 2, LARGE poster, about 7-8ft I&
   1 RETARDED CREATURES AND CAVERNS -  Probablythe hardest game on the tape this one  butalso one of the most enjoyable.s
   1 RESTORE <= 5 OR % ., THEN *  /d  AT  p=  ROVER ^ ${ OR. ? PRINT OPEN # : j @ R  LOADB! w FORMAT.`
   1 RBS-IS, then the address is as follows,'
   1 RANDOMIZE USR 23354  (the same restictionsas the +2)4
   1 Quick P.S, Hello to all Speccy people! TheEd, L.a., Bogie, Vision,  Kizzy,  Agent-X,Pandagirl, FudgePacker, Demon  Hacker,  DaGangster, Dok and Psi-Co.
   1 QL's,Spectrums, cartridges, keyboard membranes,disk drives, monitors and the Z88.  Flyersusually  go  out  with  all   letters   toAlchemist Research, but send an SAE to theabove address for the latest  catalogue  &deals.
   1 Prof. D.H. White PhD
   1 Producing games for  this  unit  is  farlyeasy. Just make sure that  the  backgroundand objects are in dark colours.  When  itis required to shoot, let the whole screenappear white or inverse for  the  shortestof time needed to press the switch.
   1 Press record and  play  and  save just theheader of this save onto the tape.L
   1 Powerprint is a program I've  been  tryingto get to grips with , the  Helpfiles  arebrilliant . The Tastutor  and  Star  userssection are very helpful,  even  though  Idon't have a Star printer there has been alot of generaly useful  information  aboutTas and printers.
   1 Plus two C64's, five data recorders, Musicmaker hardware and software, lightgun  and30 games.]
   1 Please make cheques/PO  out  to  D.Morris,please note that I cannot answer  anythingthat  arrives   after   the   30th   untilChristmas - I'm going to  Marburg  Uni  inGermany and will be totally Speccy less!!!- You have been warned
   1 Please find on the enclosed  discthe files "DRIVING 2" and "SNAPFIX" .  Thestory of my drives was written  like  thatbecause I don't feel justified in  writinga   high-tec   screed   that   would
   1 Please add 12.00 DM (`5.58) per order  forpostage, insurance and bank costs.L
   1 Pleasant View
   1 Place the cable on this bar, make sure youkeep it at right  angles!,  carefully  andfirmly push the main plug body into  place, fold the cable over the bar and fit  thelocking strip.
   1 Pin 23 is the DRIVE  SELECT pin and is theonly connection not common to both drives.If either  of  these  pins is disconnectedfrom a  drive  then  that  drive cannot beselected  and  therefore  it  will  not bemapped in at switch on (this only works ifan actual drive is  fitted, powered up andnot faulty).
   1 Phil Glaves
   1 Peter Weller in Robo outfit, standing in astudio. Not a scene from film.H
   1 Peter Beardwood
   1 Permanent PAPER 0, immediately followed bythe five byte  number  form  (correct - nomore  embedded   colour   items),  then  aseparator, a  CLS,  another  separator andthen they poke DEFINE SIZE with 0 - so youcan't merge the basic  and it'll crash outif you press break!
   1 Perhaps ,  on  a  lighter  note  Mr.  GaryRowland's  programs   "MR.   GRUMPY"   and"AUTOMUSE" could be adapted  ,  using  allthose favourite phrases  ,  to  carry  thesaga on to the 25th. aniversary edition ofAlchnews! (Argh! No! Please  don't  cancelmy subscription!)
   1 Pentium, other than lining INTELs!
   1 Pentium (64 bit) specific software"
   1 Pear Tree Cottage
   1 Paul wannabe! <HELP! Ed>
   1 Paul made the point that the programmers  were pretty good, because they couldN
   1 Paul Newman
   1 Paul Fairman
   1 Patrick Morris
   1 Part of page  0  is  reserved  as  it is aswitchable page and it  has to contain itsown   variables   to   indicate   what  iscontained within it, as does all the otherpages which can  be  switched into the topend of memory from address C000 upwards.
   1 Paper magazines
   1 Pairings :   Page(s) :
   1 PRINT USR 4867
   1 PETER DEANE would like a  +D  or  Disciplefor his Spectrum +2.>
   1 PD and Software services
   1 PCW+ Magazine
   1 PC? Tough! But you  can  improve 
   1 PC, CP/M, PCW and CPC support
   1 PC, CP/M, CPC, PCW support
   1 P.S Bristol and Avon  contacts  more  thanwelcome. Work to keep the speccy Alive!Q
   1 P.M. Reynolds
   1 Overall this is a very good game, althoughI wouldn't recommend to beginners.L
   1 Overall I would say DOMES OF SHA is a goodaddition to the compilation. It is a  goodgame and I certainly enjoyed it.t
   1 Overall I think that Cloud 99  is  a  goodgame  with  several  neat  touches   whichimprove the gameplay greatly.q
   1 Over 100 games, software on  tapes,  disksand microdrive cartridges  for  all  abovemachines. Also availablel
   1 Our  free  software  service   was   NEVERabused.  In   fact,   most   people   weretypically British and paid  for  them.  Itwas upto  me  to  give  refunds  on  theirorders! Also, the new MDL, Fountain PD andIPD libraries are also going to be  givingfree titles with EVERY order, so it  can'tbe that silly if three other services  aregoing to continue. They are also going  tobe charging 10p per title and only 5p  perfont!
   1 Other variables  can  be  set  up from thebasic we use to load the code in later, ifnecessary.^
   1 Other 8-bit computer names included ColourGenie,  Superbrain  (I  like  that  one!),Tandy (probably someone's  name)  and  thegood   old   ZX80
   1 Orson Presents
   1 Original Programming: Dominic Morris$
   1 One way to 'VAL' it, would be as follows:-*
   1 One way of  tackling  this,  would  be  tochange it to either:-?
   1 One thing that came  to mind shortly afterI did all that work  is, is that it shouldbe possible to  alter  a  database from anExtern  routine   in   an  actual  runningadventure to make  it  really difficult tosolve because those who  own a copy of PAWwouldn't see the complete file should theyload it in to inspect what it held.
   1 One problem that dealers have with  peoplelike me is that they sell a piece  of  newequiptment, only to have it  returned  forrefund, as being  faulty,  or  unsuitable,after  being  damaged  by  being   wronglyfitted  ,connected  or  having   incorrectvoltages applied etc. These reservations Ican sympathise with, and as I was preparedto carry the can for  my  own  blunderings(as long as the  drive  was  known  to  besuitable) the deal was done and I  got  anuncased 1 meg 3.5" DSDD  drive  for  about`30 (+p&p) !
   1 One of the first  things 'load bytes' doesis to push  the  address  of the SAVE/LOADRETURN SUBROUTINE,  at  address 053F, ontothe stack - this routine resets the bordercolour  back  to  the  value  held  in thesystem  variable   BORDER  COLOUR  (5C48),checks to see  if  the  BREAK key is beingpress, enables the interrupts, disabled by'load bytes', and  then  either returns tothe calling routine  or  jumps to an errorhandling  routine  if  the  BREAK  key wasbeing pressed.
   1 One of the  best  CP/M  libraries  in  thecountry. Most of the titles will  work  onCP/M for the +3.d
   1 One final bit. I  am  in  the  process  ordoing a BASIC Adventure Creator for PD butI am also planning to do the  whole  thingas a series of articles if Andy  will  letme in future issues  so  that  anyone  canwrite an adventure game without the  likesof Quill,PAW or GAC.
   1 One  of  the  drawbacks  about   the   VALfunction, is that it's  fairly  slow,  andshould therefore be avoided, if  possible,in sections of a program  where  speed  isimportant. Examples might be a loop with alarge  number  of  iterations  (where  thecumulative effect could be  considerable);or a keypress routine,  where  a  dilatoryresponse would be undesirable...
   1 Once the header is  on the tape, press thestop button on the tape deck and break outof the save by pressing the break key.z
   1 Once again, I'm really sorry  to  announcethese changes, but if they were not  made,either standards would drop or I would diefrom exhaustion!
   1 On the other hand  you  may  want  to  putthese control codes in to spruce  up  yourtext in your own programs which you  can'tdo in 128 k mode or you may be  a  deviousmiscreant who wants to hide your  listingsfrom prying eyes. Be warned  though.  Thissort of thing is no protection against thelikes of GC (remember him from earlier? Bythe way GC; Hows the FD-1 I brought up andtell the lonies on the 3 wheeler  to  keepout of my way )
   1 On the down side I did have a problem withthe vocabulary. In one  location  you  arerequired to WAIT but when you  try  typingit anywhere else you are simply  told  youcan't. So  I  assumed  that  this  commandwasn't available in this game.
   1 On the +3 Then use
   1 On return from the loader, if the carry isreset, the  zero  flag  is  set  and  A isnon-zero there was  a  loading error if DEis not zero.
   1 Old Kilpatrick
   1 Okay. No more to do  but to have a look atthe header for the block  of code - if youintend to do this,  using the small loaderfrom the last column,  then put a C9 (RET)just after the  30F1  the first time 'loadbytes' is  called  or  the  block  will beloaded as well!
   1 Okay. Let's see  what  can  be done in theway of constructing and auto flag byte andlength of  block  sorter  outer  using the'load bytes'  routine  and  a  little m/c,which  you   will   have   to   write  foryourselves ... You're  not  going to learntoo much if I keep  doing all the work foryou.
   1 Okay,then! Where do we go from here.$
   1 Okay, then, with all  that out of the way.Am I about  to  get  on  with what you mayhave been looking forward to since June ornot?
   1 Okay, then, here we go again!
   1 Okay, that's my article almost  over.  I'dlike to thank my Producer, Make-up Artist,Lion Tamer, and my  cat,  for  being  verysupportive and eating lots of chicken!
   1 Okay,  then!  I  will  describe  where thevariable are found in  page 2 and how theyare employed.a
   1 Okay! Take a  half  hour  break - could dowith a drink and  a  puff myself (yes, theword was PUFF)!c
   1 Obviously, you'll need to set up IX, DE, Aand the carry flag as well before enteringthe loader, though,  poke  a spare addresswith  what  the  A  register  holds  as  apossible reference.
   1 Obviously, a  little  m/c  is  going to beneeded and I expect you're wondering whereit can be placed to also prevent that frombeing over-written.
   1 OK, hands up who's been watching all thosedocumentaries on  the  Internet  recently?Yep, so have I!  There  seems  to  be  oneproblem though. I always thought  the  aimof a documentary was to reveal facts aboutthe topic it covered, but whoever  cobbledtogether these ones  obviously  overlookedthis. Invariably these programs consist ofboring  professors  and  Financial   Timesreaders  trying  to  shroud  the  'Net  inmystery.  WHY???  To  you  and  I  it's  anetwork,  but  to  these  people  it's   a"virtual
   1 O.K. Thats the history, so just where  didI  shove  my   new   drive?   What   needsconnecting and how? This is what  I  foundout!
   1 O.K.  Finished!-  Screw  everything   backtogether, hook up all the cables, plug in,power up,  disc  in  drive  one,  boot  upand
   1 Nr Longton
   1 Now, something about  negative  loops.  Ifyou wanted to count backwards from  10  to0, you could use:e
   1 Now,  let's  look  at  some  more   subtleinstances where  bytes  can  be  saved  bycareful formulation of the expression.z
   1 Now there is nothing wrong  with  this  initself. Most of us may have looked at  themanuals, read all there is to  know  aboutthe subject but there  is  always  someonewho has not or  who  may  be  new  to  thescene, after all, not many people complainabout seein Elmer Fudd  thwarted  by  BugsBunny for the zillionth time do they ?
   1 Now that I have finished that LONG rant,  time for some plugs!.?
   1 Now load DE with the address the block wasloaded to, ensuring  the  carry is not setby doing an AND A instruction and subtractDE from HL. The value  HL holds now is thelength of the block.
   1 Now for a  delve  into the system variableto find out where  the machine was clearedto when the save was made, at address 9CB2(normally 5CB2), and also check out if ERRSP, 9C3D (5C3D), has been tampered with.
   1 Now either copy  the  screen  code save wemade from address 8000, or load it back tothere again and  save  it once more, afterthe above basic.
   1 Not strictly a computer related  magazine,but an excellent read!@
   1 Not only that  but  Alchnews  really  doeshave  something  of   interest   for   allSpectrum "Format"'s be it +3 , +D ,  +2  ,or  even  the  humble  48k  rubber   keyedoriginal.
   1 Not only but also  -  Format costs a poundan issue to subscribe ( a whopping 1.50 ifyou don't ) for about 20 or so pages.y
   1 North Deighton
   1 No,  nothing  amiss   there  at  all.  Themachine  was   cleared   to  address  5D7F(23935) and ERR  SP  points to 5D7C, whichis 3 bytes less  - remember me telling youthat?
   1 No doubt you will all be  wondering  whereto  get  your  programs  from   now   thatAlchemist Software is phasing  out.  Don'tworry, you don't have to be ripped off  orabused by Prism, there are  FOUR  libraiesto choose  from!  In  this  article,  DaveFountain guides us through FPD:
   1 No CLEAR (address) was done so the programexpects the machine  to  be cleared to theswitch on address -  if  it was cleared toany other address before you loaded in thebasic, the  game  would  crash  out eitherwhile loading the code in or just after.
   1 Nice Pink (!)
   1 Next issue  will  be  a  bumper  christmasspecial  with  continuation  of   articlesbegun in issue 16, along with  some  greatnew ones.
   1 Next issue  : AlchNews 18, Dec. 1995$
   1 Neon Publishing
   1 Neither  of   these   has   any   inherentadvantage over the other; but there  is  athird  alternative,  which  is  distinctlybetter:-
   1 Neil Thompson
   1 NO THANKS   : Prism PD (Except for  giving*
   1 N.R.A. Cattell
   1 N and O are  respectively  the  lines  andcolumns  to  be  read  from,  but  when  Iprinted Z$ afterwards it always  came  outas  the  last  character  read,   repeatedtwice. So if  the  last  three  characterswere BYE, Z$ would contain EE.  I  checkedmy routine  thoroughly,  and  in  the  endtried a different method:
   1 My first contact with the demo scene  camelike most others  from  the  Public  Housesection in YS; my appetite whetted by  theLyra 2 demo from Sinclair User.  InitiallyI got demos and utilities  from  Prism  PDuntil Garry  Rowland  pointed  me  in  thedirection of Alchemist. <I'm not surprised- RAS titles a quid a  throw  from  Prism,20p from Alchemist Software!>
   1 My final bit is about border effects  fromBASIC. Enter 48k mode  (the  48k  Spectrumhas a  special  feature  which  does  thisautomatically!) and enter this program:
   1 My advice therefore  loyal  reader  is  tostay with Alchnews for as long as  it  maycontinue and long may it continue as  giveus a decent read.
   1 My Spectrum +2 has  been  looking  like  avery strange thing for several  days  now,but I still haven't got used  to  it  yet!I'd  been  having  problems  with  my   +Dfalling out of the I/O port when I noticedthat the reason was a missing  rubber  padfrom the bottom of the keyboard which madethe whole thing rock about when I  touchedthe Datacorder keys. I do have another  +2which I could have  substituted,  but  forsome reason which I can't fathom, only thepadless  one  works   with   my   Fidelitymonitor! (They're both the grey +2 with noapparent difference). To keep  the  +D  insecurely, I  could  have  bought  an  edgeconnector, but being a cheapskate  I  wentfor  the  Aluminium  Vice!  (Something   Iinvented  myself  in  the  garage!).  It'sbasically a length of aluminium folded  at90  degrees  at  each  end,  like  an  "E"without the middle stroke. It lies on  thedesk under the keyboard and keeps  the  +Dsecure! Next, I had to solve  the  missingpad  problem.  I  decided  to  stand   thekeyboard up ab
   1 Multi-system
   1 Mr V. Bishop
   1 Mr Staniford
   1 Mr Prichard replied to Sherwood's "Hall ofShame" letter (prev. page),  stating  thathe was both lied to / misled and  snubbed,plus he would support  Alchemist  Researchin any legal action regarding the list.
   1 Mr P. Deane
   1 Mr J. Thompson
   1 Mr F. Ridout
   1 Mr A. Marshall
   1 Most people  will  have  come  across  VALconstructions and expressions like NOT PI,SGN PI etc. in BASIC programs; and many ofyou will know why these  forms  are  used,i.e. to save memory. There  are,  however,some finer points which are worth  bearingin mind, in order  to  make  the  most  ofthese techniques and  use  them  to  theirfullest advantage.
   1 More quick P.S's
   1 More commercial software
   1 Monika & Wolfgang Haller
   1 Mine never did work  properly,  and  aftertrying to enhance it's performance I foundit would only work if I sot it out of  thewindow. This was probably due to the  factthat  the  sensor  used  in  the  SLR  wasactually used to detecting  visible  light(I'm surprised  I  didn't  think  of  thatbefore).
   1 Mind you, the block  may  only be one bytelong, though if  this  is  so, it wouldn'twarrant all the  trouble  you're  going toto determine the flag  byte and the lengthof the block, would it?
   1 Miles Kinloch offers a great  new!
   1 Miles Kinloch must be  commended  for  hisservices, his  latest  piece  in  Alchnews16-came at just the right time  as  I  wasstarting to tear the rest of my  hair  outafter trying to sort my +sys dos out.  TheBetaDos, is there a  Tasfile  on  how  itsfiner details function,  or  is  it  stillavailable from BetaSoft? It could be worthfeaturing if it is all PD.
   1 Mike Astbury, Beach Imaging
   1 Michael Meyer
   1 Metal Grey
   1 Maybe not the most fascinating plot but atleast it's original. There is plenty to doin the first few locations, there are lotsof objects to be collected and  places  tobe searched. The thing that most impressedme about this game is  the  text.  It  hasbeen well written and helps provide a goodatmosphere for the game.
   1 May I just remind anyone reading this%
   1 Matt Beal, Fish
   1 Mark Sturdy, Crashed
   1 Marcus Prichard. He fell foul of  Sherwoodon   12/3/94.   Sherwood   offered   "freesoftware" in FORMAT. When Mr Prichard sentoff for them (with  media  and  SAE),  hisorder was not processed because he did notsend  a  copying  fee!  When  Mr  Prichardcomplained,  he  resented  his  contactingFORMAT about the wording of the advert andsaid he would  have  no  further  dealingswith him.
   1 Marcus Prichard
   1 Many people would change it to:- 
   1 Manic Mower -  Can  you  escape  from  thelawns of Surbiton?!=
   1 Malcolm Gent, MGPD
   1 Malcolm Gent
   1 Making use of  all  these variables, I wasable to delete  an  unwanted character setand  transfer  some  location  and messagetext from one page  to another for someoneI knew  who  had  spent  some considerabletime writing a 128K adventure, but had runout of memory  before having completed allthe work.
   1 Magnum.Unfortunately,  although  it  looked  veryslick, the software tended to let it down.(Remember  Robot  Attack  or   Bullseye...perhaps not!)
   1 MGPD.  Still  operated   under   AlchemistResearch by Malcolm  Gent.  MGPD  suppliescollections of programs  on  tape  and  +Ddisk. The prices are VERY  cheap  and  themedia is even supplied!
   1 MGPD comprises of a  collections  library,featuring utilities,  demos,  clipart  andmuch more. Prices are very cheap and  evenincludes media. No other service can matchthis.
   1 MEET THE MAN: Dave fountain
   1 MDL stands for Minds Demo Library  and  isrun by the demo group  The  United  Minds.The libary will specialise in  demos  fromaround the world and will cover  tape  and+D disk.
   1 MDL is the  Minds  Demo  Library,  run  byScottish  coders  THE  UNITED  MINDS.  MDLspecialises  in  demos  and  general   A/Ventertainment with, once  again,  hundredsof ASW programs.  Pricing  policy  is  thesame as Fountain.
   1 MATT BEAL: Matt used to run FISH  magazinewith a Prism  page  inside.   He  was  notaware at  some  of  the  lies  Prism  werecirculating in this  section,  which  madehis magazine become criticised,  resultingin a loss of support from some parties.
   1 M Sherwood H.N.D.;C.G.(L.)I.
   1 Luminous Blue, sort of
   1 Lorton Road
   1 Lookout for the  latest  productions  fromThe United  Minds!  These  are  "The  EvilDemo" "The Sucker Demo" "The Demo for E-3"a joint production with E-3 called  "DoodyGei" (Doody Geee), and the latest one "TheChocolate Demo".
   1 Looking also at  VARS  and  E-LINE told methere was no basic  program in the machineat the time  of  saving  and that the savestatement was input as  a direct command -check this out for  yourselves and look at9CCB and beyond.
   1 Look at the back of your +D interface, youwill see two multipin  sockets,  (assumingyou've unplugged the cables!)  the  largerone on the right hand side is for the discdrive, above the socket you should  see  anotch in the +D case, this matches a  bump(or notch) on the cable plug - so you knowwhich way it goes in! The top row of  pinsare odd numbers from 1 to 33 counting fromRIGHT TO LEFT and are all set to 0  volts;the lower row of pins are the even numbers,again reading RIGHT TO LEFT lines 2 to 34-these   are   the   lines   that
   1 Logic 3 - learn  BASIC  programming  -  `4(very large + heavy)>
   1 Locomowtion - Okay, I promise this is  thelast one!3
   1 Loads and loads of temporary INK 7 items! There's a normal BORDER 0, but where's thefive byte number  form  that should followthe  character  0,  there's  just  anotherbatch of temporary ink colour items?
   1 Line 4 causes a  crash  to  48  BASIC  (inwhich,  incidentally,  this  effect   alsooccurs). If this loop was executed at all,the program would STOP (test this with theSTEP -1), but because the start is  higherthan the end and there's no negative STEP,the loop is skipped. So despite  the  STOPon its own line, line 4 is reached and theSpeccy is  reset!  Moral:  make  sure  youinclude negative STEPs where  needed  (andleave them out where they're not!) just incase  the  next  bit  of  the  program  isundesirable!
   1 Likewise, the Pentium is a 64 bit!
   1 Light guns have been available  since  thebirth of the  Spectrum.  The  most  commontype  associated  with  the  Speccy   mustsurely   be   Sinclair's
   1 Lie back, relax and  watch  the  colourfulimages on your screen! Well, at the momentit's probably black and white text with  alittle bit of colour  at  the  bottom  (ieAlchNews), but did you know  that  the  +Dhas a hidden secret  program  to  generatefascinating  patterns?   Of   course   youdidn't, because it doesn't.
   1 Lets face it, if I was guilty, I certainlywouldn't need to write to you as  I  wouldknow  why  you  were  listed.  I  will  beinterested to see what you have to say  onthe matter. Just remember - it  wasn't  mewho created this mess.
   1 Lets  say  you  placed  an  order  for  15programs from Alchemist Software. The costwould be `2. Don't forget your  extra  sixtitles free though. You send in  your  ownmedia and SAE, but lets say you wanted  usto supply it on +D disk and  post  it  foryou. The charge would be  about  `2.75  inall.
   1 Let me assure those people outside the UK that this is not a dodgy, con job, wide   boy cowboy outfit in the slightest.w
   1 Lawnmow Islands  -  Save  the  inhabitantsfrom Baron von Mower!?
   1 Later on in his  letter,  he  claims  thatthese  pricing  policies  give  a  cultureshock when upgrading to a PC. (DOWNgradingto an Amiga!). The reason  is  because  ofthe effort  and  quality  put  into  theseprograms.
   1 Later Programming:
   1 Last, but not least:
   1 LIGHTGUN + 6 GAME DISK (+3) + 3 CASSETTE  GAMES (ALL LIGHTGUN), one of the cassettesis JUNGLE WARFARE - better than OP WOLF   (which is on the disk) - `6 the lot
   1 LG. lewd conduct?, it's when you smear&
   1 LG. Ah well
   1 LET a=VAL "PEEK 3
   1 LET a=VAL "10*b+1"
   1 LET a=VAL "10*b"+SGN PI
   1 LET a=VAL "10"*b+SGN PI
   1 LET a=PEEK VAL "3
   1 LET a=PEEK 3
   1 LET a=INT VAL "RND*20"
   1 LET a=INT (RND*VAL "20")
   1 LET a=INT (RND*20)
   1 LET a=IN 191 is the address which the unituses, and all the  values  should  be  254unless detectig a white  screen  with  theswitch pressed.  Then  a  reading  of  255should be recorded.
   1 LET a=10*b+1
   1 LET a$=CHR$ VAL "a+32"
   1 LET a$=CHR$ (a+VAL "32")
   1 LET a$=CHR$ (a+32)
   1 LET Z$="":FOR N=0 TO 21:FOR O=0 TO  31:LETY$=SCREEN$ (N,O):LET Z$=Z$+Y$:NEXT  O:NEXTN:PRINT Z$^
   1 L=Lied to / misled
   1 Kobrahsoft
   1 Knight  Lawn  -  Rid   yourself   of   thewerelawnmower curse!>
   1 Kevin Gurd.
   1 Kevin Gurd
   1 Karen Moore
   1 KOBRAHSOFT are suppliers of  some  of  thebest software around for the Spectrum  andSAM. Their biggest successes are the  tapeto disk  utilities,  along  with  such  +3applications like DICE,  DB2  and  so  on.Send an SAE and a  couple  of  stamps  fortheir catalogue:
   1 Just another quick bit
   1 July 24, 1995
   1 Judging  from  the  last  few  issues   ofAlchNews (ie Roy Benson!)  it  seems  thatlawnmowers  have  suddenly  become  reallyreally popular in  Spectrum  circles  (andtriangles)! So here are a few  alternativeSpeccy classic games:
   1 Joyce Cook, Softsell
   1 John Wilson
   1 John Westhead
   1 John Thompson would would  any  games  andutilities for the Amstrad CPC, Dragon  32,ZX81 and Vic 20. He is also on the lookoutfor cartridges for the Commodore 64. He isselling off some Spectrum  and  Dragon  32games if anyone is interested. Write:
   1 John Stowe
   1 John Garner, Datasoft
   1 John Blomley
   1 Johan Koning, SGG
   1 Johan Koning
   1 JIM LEESON, makes and sells printer cablesfor the +2a / +3 to any Centronics printerfor `10 including P&P.j
   1 J.C. Blomley
   1 Its only now, that companies are going to produce 32 bit software, that the 3 & 486 PCs will be used to their fullest, andz
   1 It's very funny that Sherwood  once  againhas to get someone else to  do  his  dirtywork, just like he did with  Susan  Smith!He is just too gutless to write himself orface up to the matter, just like the  timehe hid behind his answering machine when Itelephoned him!!! He acts so  big  in  hisletters and 'magazine', but should  anyonecontact him personally, he'd be scared  todeath! He should just be thankful that thepeople he has  upset  live  more  than  50miles away from him!
   1 It's such a far cry from today, the PC&
   1 It's interesting because several of us satdown  and  discussed  not  featuring  thissection  in  this  issue.  We  were  fullyprepared  to  leave  out  the   pre-schooltricks and snide remarks  he's  made,  butwhat was the point?
   1 It's far too much for one man.  Ok,  I  dohave the staff  here  to  help,  but  theycan't do all the tasks which you have  allcome to expect personally from myself.
   1 It's another fantasy spoof, this time  youtake on the role of Algernon who has  beenroped into  a  spot  of  dungeoneering  byBulbo. Off Algernon goes not quite to surewhat to do but safe in  the  knowledge  itinvolves  immense  creatures   and   largecaverns. Mind you, it might be a  help  ifhe could actually get into the castle.
   1 It was a quite interesting article though,up until the 2nd paragraph, 5th line, whenI spotted the words CHR$ 249+CHR$ 249+CHR$249+CHR... and then I suddenenly lost
   1 It should be noted that no other registersshould  be   altered   while  testing  theaddress of the IX  pair  or the loader maynot load as it would have done if the flagbyte were a match for the A register.
   1 It should be  remembered  that pages 0, 1,3, 4 and 6  are  restricted to the area ofmemory between C000  and  n
   1 It is set on the planet of Olaxas  in  thevalley of the Sha  tribe.  The  Sha  tribewere once a thriving community but are nowforced to live in a small valley.  If  anyof the tribe left  the  valley  then  theydied. No one knows why but it is up to youto find out. You must journey out  of  thevalley and try and save the dying planet.
   1 It is possible to write your own games forthese  devices,  but  some  knowledge   ofmachine code would be  beneficial,  or  atleast an  understanding  of  how  the  gunworks inconjunction with the TV scan.
   1 It has been shown that a 486 DX4 100 is   faster than a P60, despite the P60 being a64 bit processor, thats because thew
   1 It goes without saying that we will be thelargest  Speccy  library  in  the   UK   -alongside MINDS DEMO LIBRARY, the cheapesttoo! Andys  free  titles  offer  has  beenretained (the first  six  will  ALWAYS  befree) with subsequent titles costing  just10p each (24 titles from PRISM would  costyou `4 but only `1.60 from us!) We are nothere to make money, we probably won't evenbreak even but I don't give a flying f***.PD libraries should be run by  enthusiastsfor enthusiasts and not  to  provide  beermoney. I'll review the situation at  Xmas,if I'm losing too much money  then  pricesmay have to go up to 12p or something.
   1 It  should  be   further  noted  you  onlyre-call the loader if the flag byte wasn'tcorrect.\
   1 Issue 16 of Alcnews was a  humongous  600+Kilobytes <More actually, each section  is16k of compressed text. Ed> for the  priceof a disk and a stamp and even consideringthe  former  is  monthly  and  the   otherquarterly is just does  not  work  out  asvalue for money unless you have a Sam or a+D  and  even  the  Plus   D   stuff   wasovershadowed by the sam  articles  in  thelatest issue.
   1 Incidentally, did you know that Sinclair's48k Spectrum was originally planned to  bethe official BBC Micro? It's  true!  Thankgoodness our  beloved  machine  was  neverassociated with  such  boring  programmes!(Better than  the  official  Channel  Fourmicro though!). Acorn's next computer  wasthe Archimedes,  named  after  the  famousphilosopher whose name I've forgotten  (haha).
   1 In the next coming months I am certain youwill enjoy the changes  and  provide  evengreater support for the Spectrum.u
   1 In the news, there has been much talk of  bringing back the long vanished trams and tramway systems, to help the environment  and all.
   1 In the latter, the brackets are  dispensedwith, thereby saving a further two  bytes.Instances like this occur  quite  commonlyin programs, where the 'enclosing'  actionof VAL can be put to profitable effect  inmaking brackets redundant.
   1 In the last few days of July, I recieved aletter from someone claiming to be  called"D.G.  Sherwood",  residing  at  the  sameaddress of Prism PD.
   1 In the game you play  Hercules  trying  tocomplete  twelve  tasks  as  penance   formurdering his wife and children. The gamessticks  closely  to  the  plot  of   Greeklegend. So if you get stuck  it's  a  goodidea  to  go  and  have  a  look  the  theoriginal story.
   1 In late July, he began writing  to  peopleabout our "Hall of  Shame"  in  issue  16.Very strange, since the article was almosttwo months old, he uses this as an  excuseto  continue   trouble   causing,   simplybecause he can not cope with it ending. Nodoubt he has so much free time without anyorders or customers to fulfil, not  havingto write anti-Alchemist  propaganda  wouldleave him too much free time!
   1 In his letter to Marcus, dated 9/8/95,  hesaid, and we quote:=
   1 In his end paragraph he therefore explainsthat he is guilty! It says:E
   1 In early July, I  (the  editor)  wrote  toSherwood, telling him about my plan for  asilence.  After   all,   several   neutralparties had suggested it, but he  lied  orsnubbed them all.  He  even  claimed  he'dthought of it and adopted it, misinformingthe neutral parties  who  never  read  his'comic'. Because when they  found  out  henever ended the matter  at  all,  it  justproved to them he was the liar  that  we'dshown him to be. This matter has gone  farbeyond dodgy software, it's his lies whichare the cause of the problems.
   1 In a letter to Marcus Prichard he wrote ina PS at the bottom:=
   1 In 1950, thirty years before the advent ofthe Spectrum, a very clever  mathematiciannamed   Turing   devised   an   artificialintelligence test, known now as the TuringTest. <If he  married  a  woman  with  thesurname Green, would she be Turning-Green?Ed>
   1 Impossamow - Er, these are getting  a  bitunfunny, aren't they??
   1 If, on the other hand, there isn't a carrybut the zero  flag  is  set, the block wasloaded without an error  if  A is zero andthe DE pair are not zero.
   1 If you put two and two together, with whatI  have  said,   you  should  realise  thepossibility of  fitting  a  four  way, twopole switch  wired  so  as  to  obtain thefollowing combinations  of  mapped drives,though I  will  leave  you  to  figure thewiring yourselves.
   1 If you prefer you can buy  new  cable  andloose  plugs  and  make  one  up  to  suiteasily. The  cable  my  local  (friendly!)shop had in was 36 way, but you  can  peeloff the two outside lines very easily,  Itcosts about `1 per metre. I bought a spareplug that fitted for  less  than  `2,  thelegend on the plug read "FC-34 P" (I thinkit stands for FEMALE  CONNECTOR  34  PIN),this  is  cheaper  than  buying   a   dualconnector  and  extra  drive  lead,  or  aspecial dualing - up cable .
   1 If you look carefully you should  find  onthe drives circuit board , a row of pairedpins marked either D3:2:1:0 or 3:2:1:0  DS( or somthing similar )  if  you  put  thelittle jumper or bridging piece across thetwo pins at :0: ,this is then drive 1. Fordrive 2 use pins at :1: instead.
   1 If you leave  a  gap  between the block ofcode we last saved  out and this one, thatwill be enable  us  to  insert a header infront of this block  we  are about to saveout as a headerless block.
   1 If you have any comments, questions, gamesto swap on +D disc or even a bit of  sparecash lying about, please do  not  hesitateto send it to me! (Also, why not  send  meyour witty computer names while you're  atit?!). My address is as follows:
   1 If you have a look at this area of memory,9D70-ish, you  will  observe  that at 9D7F(5D7F) there is a  3E Character (this byteis always placed at  RAMTOP. The next bytedown is a  zero  and  then comes the ERRORaddress 1301 (I  also  told you about thisas well).
   1 If you care  to  look  in  your +3 manual,page   315,   you   will   see   the   pinconfiguration of  the  connections for the'B' drive.
   1 If you  are  selective  with  the op codesused in  this  extra  routine,  you shouldfind there's  plenty  of  time  to monitorquite a  number  of  things  happening andalso for taking  the appropriate actions -don't  forget  both  the  stack  and  yourloader must be  below  address C000 if youintend switching pages.
   1 If we have a statement like this:-"
   1 If these pages  are  unused  then both thevariables  will  be  set  to  FF. However,should a page be in use then the second ofthe two  bytes  will  be  set  to the pagenumber.
   1 If there is a carry the value DE held whenthe load routine was called was correct soyou know the length.h
   1 If the flag  byte  and  the A register arenot the same,  then  'load bytes' will notattempt  to  load  the   block  in  and  a'return' is made to the calling routine.
   1 If the above  values  were returned by theloader and DE  is  zero,  then not all thebytes of  the  block  were  loaded and youmust therefore increase the value DE holdsbefore calling the load routine again.
   1 If position 1 or  4  is selected at switchon, then you  can  switch  between the twomodes without having to power down, thoughyou must  CAT  both  of  the  drives afterre-selection to  re-initialize  the formatof both drives.
   1 If needed, carefully  take  the  aluminiumcover off the top of the disc  drive,  andexamine the circuit  board  close  to  thecable connector, you should  find  numbers1-33 or 2-34 on one side or the other - sonow you are sure which way to put the plugin!
   1 If in doubt, double check before doing anywork!/
   1 If anyone out there  can supply details ofwhere to obtain  a  data  sheet on the uPC765A, the processor used in the disc driveof the +3, I would be extremely grateful.
   1 If any beautiful young women would like   to enclose risque pictures of themselfs,  then please feel free to do so. <But  passthem via the normal  A.R.  address  first.Well, it was worth a try! Ed>
   1 If a machine passed this test, it could besaid to have artificial  intelligence.  Asyet, the Turing Test has never been passedby any computer -  and  people  are  stilltrying!  The  test   itself   involves   aquestioner sat in front of terminal askingquestions via the keyboard to  two  peopleout of view of the first. Out of view,  ofcourse, because one of them is actually  acomputer!
   1 If DE is returned  with the same number itheld before  you  called  the loader, thenthe A register will  hold the flag byte ofthe block.
   1 If DE has  been  decremented the flag byteis zero.2
   1 If A does  not  match  then your code mustdetermine if  the  return  from the loaderwas caused by this or not.n
   1 If  you  did  want  an   orange   triangle(goodness knows why, but  if  you  did...)you could do it, either in an art  programor  by  making  two   more   graphics,   aleft-facing right  angle  triangle  and  aright-facing one, not solid, but  made  ofthe  same  chessboard  pattern.  The  onlyproblem is, unless  you  were  willing  toaccept red or yellow edges, the backgroundwould have to be red or  yellow,  and  thesame brightness as the  triangle.  If  thetriangle had  white  paper  or  ink,  thatcould  be  the  background,  but  red  andyellow tend to look a trifle odd.
   1 If  it  is  your  intention  to  use  yourhacking skills to make unauthorized copiesof software  to  pass  on  to others, thenthat is when the  powers  that be may wellenter  your  home   and  remove  all  yourequipment and could also  offer you an allexpenses paid holiday  in  one of the manyH.M.   Prisons
   1 IPD is Impact Software, run  by  our  veryown Paul Howard. IPD will  cover  all  thetitles Paul has  written,  and  will  alsospecialise in games. We have supplied Paulwith every game at ASW, both in and out ofthe catalogue.
   1 IPD is  run  by  Paul  Howard  and  is  anextension of  his  software  house  ImpactSoftware. IPD will  stock  all  of  Paul'sgreat  new  titles,  plus  specialise   ingames, once again, many of which  suppliedfrom Alchemist Software.
   1 IMPORTANT! We are  leaving  Nottingham  atthe end of August and  returning  home  toLondon.   Our   library   will   NOTx
   1 I=Innocent Party - hassled
   1 I've been sorting through my speccy  stuffand in order to get some room in my room Ihave to sell the following, so please helpme keep my room sparce!!! BTW  all  pricesinclude UK postage
   1 I'm sure you'll  all  agree  when  I  say:Get out of the Spectrum scene Mr Sherwood,you don't know what you are doing.v
   1 I'm sorry but I'll have  to  go  onto  thesubject of  consoles.  Who  on  earth  (oranywhere else!) could  possibly  think  ofsuch corny, American names  as  Megadrive,Mega  CD,  Super  Nintendo...?  They  juststick Mega, Super, Cool or Radical on  thebeginning and that gives it "street cred".<Oh,  oh  -  beginning   to   sound   likeCodemasters! Ed>
   1 I'm not saying it was an easy task, thoughthe  project  was  successful  in  that anextra few K  of  memory was made availableand the  concluding  programming  could beentered into the database.
   1 I'm going to have  to  load in the code ofmy  assembler/disassembler  again  as thatlives at the  top  end  of  memory and hasbeen over-written.
   1 I'm  still  shocked  at  his  decision  toretire from the  PD  distribution  arm  ofthings and I only hope I can take it  fromhere with the  same  quality  of  personaldetail.
   1 I'd take  a  +D  and  Solar  powered  diskdrive!! Then I would take only  one  disk,which would have my best games. <Sigh, whydoes  everyone  insist  on  breaking   therules? Ed>
   1 I'd like to draw your attention to a  veryinformative book available (you  may  haveto order it) on the legal apects of publicdomain  software  and   others   such   asshareware etc. Although mainly aimed at PCusers, the information  is  true  for  anycomputer user. The title of the  book?  Itis called  
   1 I'd also take a blank tape (or  maybe  onewith "Xecue"  and  "The  Art  Studio",  myfavourite utilities, on it)  for  doing  abit of BASIC programming in my spare  time- you'd have quite a lot of spare time  ona desert island, wouldn't you?
   1 I was lucky, the power  pack  for  the  QLdrive was capable of providing  enough  (Ihope!) regulated 12v and 5v power to powerboth drives, and I  still  had  the  powerpack built into the original drive casing.I decided to keep that drive as it was andput the new drive into the QL drive  case.Guess what! the *** didn't fit! The  plugson the new drive prevented it  from  goingfar enough back in the case, and it left abig gap at the top (the  new  drive  beingvery much thinner), so at  the  moment  itsits on the worktop looking ugly,  but  itworks . The next thing is  to  make  ,  ormodify a case to stack  both  drives  overeach other. When  fitting  make  sure  youdon't foul any cables, or the  motor  discunder the drives!
   1 I tried cleaning  the  drive,  lubricatingwhat I thought  I  could  dare,  but  eventhough it improved the performance it  wasstill way short of being usable. This leftme in a  dilemma,  should  I  risk  buyinganother second hand drive and chance on itbeing in perfect condition, or a new drive(100% Guaranteed) - but costing more  thanI felt was justified on  my  spectrum  setup, or chance fitting a new uncased  driveinto the box the QL drive was in, this  isthe course of action I took but it was notquite as straightforward as I  thought  itwould be!
   1 I think you  all  would  enjoy  these  newprograms.3
   1 I suggest you  alter  the  address in yourloader which coincides with the IX op codeof LD (IX+00),L - this loads to memory thebyte  taken  off   the  tape.  You  shouldreplace this with a  call to an address ofyour choice, where you decide what actionsare to be undertaken.
   1 I soon realised Andy was a kindred  spiritfrom the  Spectrum  hardcore;  idealistic,enthusiastic and above all, not interestedin making money. My  software  wants  werealways  returned  with  bells  on;   extratitles and a super fast service. On top ofthat,  he  replied  with   long   friendlyletters, far beyond  the  call  of  simplyoffering a PD library 'service'.
   1 I remember when Alchemist PD  had  only  afew dozen titles. You can  still  see  theoriginal  contents  in  a  back  issue  ofAlchNews.
   1 I previously  told  you  a  file begins ataddress 9300, all  memory  from here up tothe first  system  variable,  at  941C, isreserved for the resident font, as used byPAW.
   1 I ordered every issue of of Alchnews  fromissue 3 to 15,  spent  an  entire  eveningconvering them from +D format to  +3  muchto the annoyance of  my  wife  <Oops,  youshould have asked for the +3 master copiesI have! Ed> and then several  more  nightsreading through them and one thing  standsout clearly.
   1 I must own up  to  actually  watching  theEurovision Song Contest this  year  -  notonly that, but I also listened  to  it!  Iknow  that  this  is   truly   inexcusablebehaviour, but it gave me  a  great  idea:the Euro-Speccy Song Contest! Each countrywould submit  a  128k  tune  (probably  inSoundtracker format  to  represent  their)entry, and as in  the  real  Contest,  thewinner of last year's contest  would  hostthat year's show. Not host  it  in  a  bigbuilding  like  the  real  one,  but  thatcountry would write a demo  including  allthe entries and their marks (judged by allthe entered countries). The  only  problemis that lots of European  countries  don'thave a single demo coder in them!  Poland,Scotland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Englandand  Germany  are   OK,   but   how   manyLithuanian coders do you know?  (Apologiesto any who exist!). Oh dear, I've  managedto squeeze  two  paragraphs  out  of  thissilly little idea. At least it's  probablygiven you something to laugh about!  <Restassured reader
   1 I mentioned in  an  earlier paragraph thatthe flag  byte  can  be  any  value in therange of 0 to FF, though saves made in themore normal method of  going via the basicinterpreter, the flag byte for a header isalways 0. Likewise,  the  flag  byte for ablock is always FF.
   1 I look forward to hearing from you. Thanksagain to  Andy  Davis  for  adding  to  myenjoyment of the Spectrum world, I for onewill miss his library badly.
   1 I have seen tips many times to go from 128or +2 basic to  48  basic  and  then  backagain reprinted  for  the  umpteenth  timeprobable below
   1 I have loads of games  snapshots  to  swapincluding  Switchblade,  Rainbow  Islands,both Chase HQs  and  tons  of  other  goodgames. (And a few useless ones if you likethat sort of thing!). Before this  articlebecomes  one  giant  ad  for  my  softwarecollection I'll finish it so I can have  anice glass of lemonade and  a  cheese  andtomato sandwich for lunch. Bye!
   1 I have had a Spectrum computer for  over  ten years, and the +D disc interface since1988, and since finding Alchemist PD  lastyear  my  Spectrum  very  soon  became   aProgram  Plonky  ,  with  the   inevitableresult that the drive started  to  exhibitsymptoms of SECTORERROROSIS,  mostly  withdiscs that came back from  Alchemist  <Oi!Ed.>, but also  on  some  I  had  compiledmyself, so somthing had to be done.
   1 I have a multiface on my +3 which great asit is doesn't work with Genie  unless  youknow different.c
   1 I have a few more things to clear out,&
   1 I have  only  used  this  technique  on  acouple of old games like Manic  Miner  andJest Set willy etc. but you may be able toexperiment and report you findings to Andyin future issues.
   1 I don't know to many details as of yet butyou might here from me again if Andy were to do a  PC  PD  mag...  <I'm  doing  bothSpectrum AND PC - hah! More work for  you!Ed>
   1 I discovered AlcNews with issue  16  aboutJuly time when my mate from the Bath,  theright honourable Graham Colier (or GC as Irefer to him ) sent me a copy and W  O  W.To   say   I   was   impressed
   1 I did, in  fact,  let  the  tape run rightthrough so  as  to  ensure  there wasn't atape loading error.g
   1 I did send an  amended  version to Andy assoon as  I  picked  up  on  the  mistake acouple of  days  after  the  completion ofAlcNews, though, by that  time some of youwill have been sent the issue.
   1 I did plan to give Alchemist  Research  upcompletely, with the exception of the helpservice. I had a letter from Malcolm  Gentwho  wanted  to  close  MGPD  because   hecouldn't compete with me, even  though  weweren't competing against each  other.  Itwas just people had come to know and  loveus and were reluctant to change. Plus  thefact  that  three   new   libraries   wereplanning to open. It would give them  moreof an opportunity  to  trade  out  of  ourshadow.
   1 I declined, for two main reasons:!
   1 I could have  produced working routines tothe specifications I have laid out to you,though had I  done  so  it  would not haveeducated  your  mind  in  the  use  of m/cprogramming  and   made   you  aware  thatthis  is  the  type  of  lateral  thinkingneeded  when  you  come  up  against  suchspecialist   loaders   as   Alcatraz   andSpeedlock - you  will  need to disassemblethese,  and  others  like  them,  to  alsomodify  the  code  so  as  to  have  totalcontrol over what  they  do while loading.Believe me,  compared  to  them, the 'loadbytes' routine is an absolute push-over!
   1 I certainly hope that you will hear from  me again <yeah a bet you do, big mouth -  ED>W
   1 I can hardly wait to see what else I'll bewriting!!!4
   1 I bought a second hand drive (ex QL), verycheaply, that was 100% compatible with the+D,  but  unfortunatly   was   even   moresectorerrorised than my original drive.
   1 I apologise that this issue was  a  littlesmaller than usual but that has  been  dueto  changes  in   our   operations.   Manyarticles have not been written  or  editeddue to lack of time on my part.
   1 I also had a  look  at the system variablePROG, at  9C53  (5C53)  which  tells me noInterface 1  was  present  as  the addressgiven was 5CCB.
   1 I also found the article on 'Funny"
   1 I also advise you push the A register ontothe stack when a return from the loader ismade if  you  are  likely  to  do any workbefore examining the flags.
   1 I  was  already  planning  to   launch   aspecialised  demo  library  in  September,FOUNTAIN PD. This will now include many ofthe  utilities  from  Alchemists  archive.Utilities will be  listed  in  catagories;+D, Audio etc for easier selection. I hopeto include as many titles as  possible  bythe September 18th launch  date.  Fans  ofthe more obscure titles <Obscure? You makethem sound seedy! Ed> need not pine,  I'llbe adding sections every three  months  tohopefully become as large and  diverse  asAlchemist was. <It  will.  Dave  has  beenoffered  ALL  the  titles  from  AlchemistSoftware - FOR FREE! All he has to  do  isrevise the catalogues!>
   1 I  expect  most  of  you  at  one  time oranother have used  'load bytes' at address0556 in the 48K  ROM,  though I doubt manyof you,  if  any,  have  looked  at it andthought there is so  much  more you can dowith it as an aid to making life that muchsimpler when hacking.
   1 I  definitely  would  not  take   "Elite",because I've only ever  done  the  Lenslokonce and then it  crashed  because  I  wasusing a 128k, so  I've  never  played  it!(What a sad person, eh?!). <Get the normalunprotected version. Ed>
   1 I  can   confirm   I   was  successful  inachieving  what  Ray   was  after,  so  ampassing this information  on  to all thosewho care to make use of it.
   1 I  believe  these  are  the   only   linesconnected.4
   1 Hulme Lane
   1 However, to ensure  this  column  is up toscratch, I'm beginning  it  now, 7th June,so as to give  plenty  of time to weed outany errors  and  spelling  mistakes beforeit's sent in.
   1 However, the reason for  this  article  isbecause of some comments Mr Sherwood  madeagainst the Spectrum PD scene. He's alwaysbeen in the lower ranks ever since he tookover Total PD, but his  latest  statementsjust confirm it
   1 However, despite trying to fool Marcus  bymisquoting the article (he's a  subscriberfor God's sake, surely Sherwood would haveknown  he  could  compare   the   originalarticle   to   Sherwood's   fabrication!),Marcus confirmed that he had  been  misledand generally ripped off by Prism.
   1 However, a better way would be:- 
   1 However it had an external power pack  anda socket on the back of its case  where  Icould plug the original drive  into,  alsoregulated 12 and 5 volt outputs  to  poweranother drive if needed . I got brave  anduncased it, to try to change it to work asdrive two, this was  soon  acomplished  bymoving a  little  bridging  piece  onto  adifferent set of pins.  (Explained  latterin TECHNICAL SECT.)
   1 How can you also  determine this without agreat deal of trial an error?G
   1 How I approach it  will not necessarily bethe way I would normally hack such a game.I will do it  long  hand,  so to speak, soyou can follow with ease what I'm doing
   1 Hopefully, we'll get  some  feedback  fromthe new libraries, plus some other  8  bitlibraries in next issue. Please  write  inwith  your  comments  on  how  YOU   thinkSpectrum PD should be run, after all it isyour service.
   1 Hopefully, some of you will have sent somequeries in I  can  get  to  grips with andanswer.[
   1 Hobbyists such as  Dave  Fountain,  UnitedMinds, Paul Howard, myself, plus also Paulfairman at Sheepsoft, CPC  softwaere,  PCWPD would not  make  inflated  charges  andoffer as much as possible for  free.  WhatMr Sherwood has claimed shows some extremedubiousness in his service and  where  themoney goes.
   1 Hilton Court
   1 Hi and welcome to the bit of the mag  thatI and probably Andy  as  well  thought  I'never get around to !i
   1 Here's the basic:
   1 Here are all four  mods  it is possible todetermine  with   a   suitably  wired  twopole, four way switch:j
   1 Hello, welcome to the new adventures  pagein Alchnews. You  may  have  noticed  thatadventure coverage has been a bit thin  onthe ground lately. This is mainly  due  tothe lack of new titles being produced.
   1 Headerless  blocks,  or  even non-standardheaders in protected software, do not haveto adhere to  these  rules  and more oftenthan not, don't.
   1 Having saved  the  block,  now  rewind thetape to the end of the first block of codewe saved out and  input SAVE "(NAME)" CODE32768,32768.
   1 Having read Sub.Exty, (you know,  the  onethat should come in a plain brown wrapper)perhaphs you might /  might  not  like  topass on  my  Driving2  saga  for  them  toinclude, (after AlcNews 17?)  I  leave  itentirely to your discretion  .  They  needsomthing to pad out the colourful  verbagethey are so fond of! Anyway , if Prism canget away with including one of their stockarticles  on  copyright  etc
   1 Having been  asked  the  other  day by RaySmith,  who  had  recently  fitted  a 3.5"drive as the second drive to his +3, if itwas possible to  make  this  drive the 'A'drive from switch  on  and, being a hackerand  an  electronics  repair  engineer,  Icouldn't resist the  challenge of having alook to see what could be done.
   1 Have fun investigating further.
   1 Harrier,Surfchamp, Testmatch 128, Universal  Hero,Vendetta, Spectrum + user tapeP
   1 HELPLINE: No change. However,  my  workinghours are now more demanding, so the  besttime to telephone is between:q
   1 H!.  <Noit hasn't, you just haven't done any work.Ed>5
   1 Grindleton
   1 Greatful appreciation must go out  to  allwho helped in the production of this  finepublication. Notable thanks must go to:{
   1 Grant joke in, by the way Andy what#
   1 Good luck.
   1 Good  this,  innit?  Enjoying  it  myself!Never knew I knew so  much till I sat downto  put  it  all  on  paper  -  sorry, thescreen.
   1 Going back a  few  months,  I had cause tolearn how PAW stored  an adventure file inmemory and kept track of it all.t
   1 Go to it, then, and use the loader/saver.)
   1 George Imrie
   1 Gastackerstrasse 33
   1 Gastackerstrasse 23
   1 Garry Rowland
   1 Garland, Lloyd?
   1 GO TO a*VAL "CODE INKEY$-48"
   1 GO TO a*(CODE INKEY$-48)
   1 GC as you  will  know  is  a  goldmine  ofinformation  on  all  aspects  of  hackingwhile I like a lot  of  people  resort  tousing  a  Multiface  3  once   my   feebleattempts  to  transfer  tapes  onto   diskfails.
   1 From Alchemist Software or
   1 Fountain  PD   now   stocks   the   entireAlchemist  Software  collection.  Programsare just 10p each, fonts 5p! See elsewherein this issue for more details.
   1 For the record, the  first IX load addressshould have been 7E00 and not 9CCB. Sorry!T
   1 For the fourth tape, I'd cheat a  bit  andtake a magazine covertape with  about  tengames on it,  probably  the  YS  one  with"Mission Omega" and "Astroball".
   1 For some reason, there was a  period  whenfruit was popular for computer  companies'names -  Apple,  Apricot  and  Acorn  (thefruit of the oak tree,  of  course!).  TheBBC Micro was named rather boringly  afterits   parent
   1 For anyone  interested  in  this  kind  ofthing on the humble Speccy, I'm sure  Andyhas at least one "Eliza"-type  program  inhis PD  <Software  library.  Ed>  library,although I don't know where you'd find  itin the catalogue - it's not a  game,  demoor utility!  <It's  an  ED  category,  seeSHRINK or GRUMPY. Ed> Back to AI though. Imentioned earlier that no  programmer  yethas   ever   truly   created
   1 Firstly,  I  would  like  to  apologize tothose of you  who  received copies of thiscolumn in the last  issue with an error inthe load routine.
   1 First of all, he has  misled  EVERYONE  HEHAS SENT THE LETTER TO.  For  he  has  notlisted the CORRECT reasons why people wereon the list. They were:
   1 First of all  I'm  going  to  look at whatwould have  been  the  printer buffer areahad the code  been  loaded to it's correctaddress ... nothing  there,  all zero's sowe may be able to create a back-up copy ondisk.
   1 First  of  all,  while   working   on   myjust-finished project "Notepad +D" I  cameacross an odd bug  involving  the  SCREEN$command. Apart  from  its  common  use  infiling  (eg  SAVE  "pic"  SCREEN$),   thiscommand can be used to read characters offthe screen in  the  same  way  ATTR  readscolours - but graphics  count  as  a  nullstring "" when  read  via  this  function.Anyway, my routine was used  to  read  thescreen contents (all text) into the stringvariable Z$. The line I used was somethinglike this:
   1 Finally, consider the following:-!
   1 Finally, a few  paragraphs  about  specialcircumstances  where  the   Spectrum   canproduce lots of colours in a small  space.Doubtless all  readers  of  AlchNews  willhave seen a raster or overscan effect in ademo or game (if not, order the NMI 2 demowhich has  an  excellent  example  in  theborder and logo of  one  part).  Put  verysimply, rasters involve  the  TV's  timingmechanism,  the  same  thing  that  causesflicker in sprites. Because the screen  isconstantly being scanned and  updated,  ifyou have  a  +D  and  press  the  snapshotbutton (or hold down  the  reset  button),all the rasters  are  replaced  by  boringlow-res colours with flashing blobs in  oraround them.
   1 Finally, I'd  have  to  take  my  sister's"Michael Jackson" tape. Why?  To  frightenoff the sharks!!!e
   1 Finally, DAVID LEDBURY of Sam Prime has  awide range of Spectrum software  for  saleranging  from   budgets   to   big   boxedclassics. I've seen this collection and itis absolutely priceless! For more details,send an SAE to:
   1 Filenames' interesting and it started me  thinking, maybe I could include a 'funny  filename' in my masterpiece of programming- Advanced Lawnmower sim, but then I
   1 Ferry Groothedde, SCB
   1 Ferry Groothedde
   1 Familiar to you in some way?
   1 FREE software means just that - it's free.If  youhave  to  pay  a  copying  /  admincharge, how  can  that  be  free  at  all?Marcus  has  requested  that  Prism  placeanother advert for their "free  software",which  will  be  then  sent   to   TradingStandards to see what they have to say  onthe matter.
   1 FREE software does not mean that librarieswill provide titles at their own expense -espeically when they are run as a hobby, &sometimes by people out of work. AlchemistResearch may have been  offering  softwareexempt of charges, but no doubt  Mr  Davishas found out that people  take  advantageof silly offers. Also, it gives people thewrong idea, and they will have  a  cultureshock when they upgrade to a PC or Amiga -it's A case of adhere to  their  terms  oftrading or go without."
   1 FOUNTAIN  PD.  Run   by   Dave   "SinclairClassic" Fountain. The  library  was  onlygoing to deal in A/V programs  and  fonts,but when Dave heard of the changes and wasoffered our entire collection, he couldn'trefuse! More details are given  in  Dave's"welcome" later on in AlchNews.
   1 FOR USEFUL PSU'S AND OTHER NEFARIOUS CHEAPBITS (I've not tried them,  but  a  friendrecommended_
   1 FOR N=10 TO 0 STEP -1:PRINT N:NEXT N$
   1 FFFD  Start  address  of  file  in current*
   1 FFFC  No.  of   process  tables  including*
   1 FFFB  No. of locations in current page&
   1 FFFA  Total No. of objects
   1 FFF9  No. of system messages in current'
   1 FFF8  No. of messages in current page%
   1 FFF7  Unknown
   1 FFF5  End of screen/pic data 2 (+1)#
   1 FFF3  Points to screen/pics data 2"
   1 FFF1  Points   to   screen/pics   data   1*
   1 FFEF  Start of  the  variables file - this*
   1 FFED  End  of  the  file  +  1  in current*
   1 FFEB  Points to object weight
   1 FFE9  Points to object words
   1 FFE7  Points to the initially at table&
   1 FFE5  Points  to   the  beginning  of  the*
   1 FFE3  Connection table pointers
   1 FFE1  System messages table  pointers - as*
   1 FFDF  Message  text  table  pointers  - as*
   1 FFDD  Location text table pointers - again*
   1 FFDB  Object  text  table  pointers, which*
   1 F032 C31AF0   ; JUMP KEY PRESS
   1 F02E CDC204   ; CALL 'SAVE BYTES'!
   1 F028 110080   ; LOAD DE, 8000
   1 F014 CD6205   ; CALL LOADER IN ROM"
   1 F008 1100C0   ; LOAD DE, WITH BLOCK LENGTHF00B 3EFF3
   1 F004 DD210030 ; LOAD IX, 3000
   1 F.  Ridout  is  still  selling  an  UNUSEDMultiface 128 with a copy of Lifeguard for`15. He is also  looking  for  a  completelist of EPSON Printer  control  codes  andcommands if anyone can help. Please  writeto:
   1 Experiment and  learn,  that's  the key toobtaining hacking skills.  Never be afraidto try anything -  after  all, at the veryworse, all that  can  happen  is you bringabout a machine crash!
   1 Everyone else in  the  universe  seems  tohave complained about Martyn Sherwood,  soI think it's time for me to do my  bit.  Imust point out that I was only in  contactwith Prism for a  short  time  -  after  Istarted writing to Andy, I soon made up mymind  who  would  get  my  PD!  (Note  theAlchemist  logo  on  all   my   programs).Anyway,  here  are  some  perfectly   goodreasons why we should all BE  GRATEFUL  toMartyn Sherwood (!):
   1 Ever  since  the  first  affordable   homecomputers  appeared,  manufacturers   havestrived not only for speed,  graphics  andsound improvements, but also to give theirproduct a decent name. The Spectrum, namedafter the seven colours of the rainbow, isgenerally regarded as  a  colour-deficientmachine, and I would agree with this to  apoint since its closest  rivals  did  havesuperior colour capabilities (the Spectrumcan only have two colours, one  brightnessand one flash attribute per  cell,  unlessspecial techniques are used).
   1 Even the early issues had as much  contentback then as Format  does  now.  <I'm  notsure how to take that! Ed>n
   1 Eskimow Eddie - Don't worry,  I've  nearlyfinished.3
   1 Ernastrasse 33
   1 Enough of my ramblings, enjoy your break -take the battery out of  your  mobile  andget some peace! Letters are not intrusive,you can answer them when it is convenient,not like the phone which 99% of  the  timerudely interupts whatever else  you  mightbe doing.
   1 East Sussex
   1 EMULATOR USERS: Since we have invested  ina high quality multimedia PC, we  are  nowable  to  given  unriavlled  coverage  forusers of the Z80  Emulator,  ranging  fromsoftware   and   hardware   problems   andqueries, right  to  snapshot  collections,such as our new Gremlin Games package.
   1 EF50   (the   addressSA/LD-RET should occupy).  Low and b9
   1 ED. your right there, at least he cut down*
   1 ED. oh, how come you know so much about it*
   1 ED. oh yeah, well he tried it before$
   1 ED. I don't know, i'll just ask Lloyd%
   1 EACH PD title you  buy?  Somebody!
   1 Drive Type Connection- "Shugart  400-type"<BBC   compatable.   Ed>   See   theN
   1 Don't use LLIST  ,  LPRINT  or COPY or thecommand to  get  back  to  128  mode againwon't work which isg
   1 Don't really know what  to hit you with inthe next issue, though  whatever I come upwith it will not be  as involved as it wasthis time - but then again!
   1 Don't forget, functions like  INKEY$  etc.also count as part of an  expression,  andcan  be  usefully  VALled   (taking   intoaccount   keyboard   response   time,   ofcourse).
   1 Dominic Morriss
   1 Do  not  be  put  off  by  the  amount  ofknowledge you  need  to  have  at  hand tobecome a successful  hacker and just learna little at a  time  ...  Don't try to runbefore you can walk!
   1 Discovering what flag  bytes were used andthe length of  blocks  may  or  may not beeasily obtained from  the software you arehacking and can be a hindrance to a speedyhack being done if the authors have been alittle devious in concealing them.
   1 Did I  hear  someone  say, "Thank goodnessfor that," or something along those lines,though possibly not quite so politely put?~
   1 Desmond Tyler
   1 Desert Island Specs
   1 Depressing  isn't  it?  You  could  almostbelieve that the extra  90k  in  the  128kmachines is used completely for bugs! Thisarticle  comes  as  a  follow-up   to   myprevious collection of  bugs,  and  thoughthere  are  less  mentioned   this   time,they're all different and I'm  sure  thereare many I haven't come across yet.
   1 Deep Purple
   1 Dear Sir / Madam
   1 Dear Andy,
   1 David Ledbury
   1 David Crookes
   1 Dave Ledbury
   1 Darren Randle.  Was  to  be  recruited  bySherwood for legal action. When Darren sawthe evidence  against  Sherwood,  he  soondecided that he  was  not  on  the  level.In his last telephone call to  me,  Darreninformed me that  Sherwood  would  not  beinvolved in any future projects.
   1 DOUBLE AGENT - This is one of Tom  Forst'searlier  games.  It  features  his  famoussplit screen interface.The game itself  iswritten in basic and lacks the  more  userfriendly touch of PAWed games.It is  stillquite playable and it take a while for thenovelty of the split screen to wear off.
   1 DH. that bit about young women sending him*
   1 DH. Well that was a bit of a slog to read)
   1 DH. Im suprised he did'nt slip a Hugh%
   1 DAVE FOUNTAIN, 8th August 1995.
   1 D. Ledbury
   1 Craig Elder
   1 Could it be possible that in some sort  ofwierd way he gets an ego trip out  of  thepublicity and the attention that  is  paidto his arbitary deeds? I bet that he wouldbe really  put-out  if  there  was  not  amention of him ever again! (But who  couldresist the temptation ?)
   1 CompleteAN17.7:  instructions  by  that   hardware2
   1 Coming Soon... Beyond Help (Honest!)$
   1 Close Rantings of the Roy Kind
   1 Clear the  machine  to  address  23935 andload in the smaller of the two blocks, butremembering to  input  LOAD""  CODE 23936.Once this has  loaded,  load in the largerblock to address 32768.  You must now saveall this code  back  out  to the tape withthe basic program and  the screen on it byinputting, save "" CODE 23936, 41600.
   1 Class dismissed.
   1 Chris Thomson
   1 Chris Taylor, Triad
   1 Chris Norfolk
   1 Catalin Russen, MicroCRIFS
   1 Can you believe his cheek?  He  begins  bytrying  to  portray   that   he   is   farmore knowledgable than  Bob  Brenchley  ofINDUG!  Compare  a  man  who  has  made  asuccess  of  the  SAM  to  a  small   timeunemployed  person  who  only   used   hiscomputer for games and can't even  put  ina simple POKE to fix a progam!
   1 CRASHED has recently had an editor  changedue  to  editorial  bias  and  some  minorpersonal problems. Alan  Clarkson  is  nowreported to be editor, although  this  maybe a nominal position.
   1 CRAIG ELDER: Craig used to be  the  writerof the +3  section.   He  was  amazed  andrather disgusted  to  find  out  that  theactual column he wrote was  edited  almostbeyond recognition and filled with unfunnyand un-necessary editorial remarks.
   1 CPC Undercover
   1 CPC UNDERCOVER (magazine)
   1 CORRUPTER OF MO... oh, er, sorry,!
   1 CLOUD 99 - This game was a nice  surprise.I didn't really expect  anything  from  itbut after playing for short  while  I  gotreally into the  game.  It  is  very  userfriendly  and  the  text  is   very   wellwritten.
   1 CHRISTIAN AYMARD is on the lookout for thefollowing programs:=
   1 CATALIN  RUSSEN  would  like  some   Amigacontacts, wishing to swap tips, advice andsoftware for the Amiga. If you would  likean Amiga penpal, please write to:
   1 CANNON BC01 inkjet cartridges, `5  each  o14 for `50.5
   1 By today's standards  Double  Agent  isn'tthat great a game  but  still  manages  tohold your intrest. It plays well but thereis a definite lack of atmosphere.
   1 By the way, I'm currently looking  for  +Dsnapshots or  whatever  of  the  followinggames (and  about  70  others,  but  let'sforget them for the moment!):
   1 By controlling how the loader operates youcan make it idle (it looks at the bytes onthe tape but  doesn't  load  them) until apoint on the tape  is reached that you areinterested in and the loader is told to gointo load mode!
   1 By Miles Kinloch
   1 By Kevin Gurd
   1 By J.C.Blomley
   1 But, you weren't having  any  of  it.  Youwere upset and angry (very  angry  in  thecase of one who telephoned and called me a"bastard" for  retiring!).  So,  AlchemistResearch was repreived! But, there are  tobe a couple of changes.
   1 But, my full time  occupacion  has  becomefar more demanding. Sure, the pay is greatand so is being in charge, but i'd give itall up  to  run  Alchemist  Research  fulltime.
   1 But the award for the most boring computername ever simply has to go to  the  PC.  Imean, of course  it's  a  bloody  personalcomputer,  but  so's  the  Archimedes  andthat's got a name!
   1 But that needs  money.  You  can't  pay  amortgage, food, heat, light  and  all  theother daily bills from a  Spectrum.  Well,you   could,   but   you'd
   1 But if you hold down the  snapshot  buttonand  repeatedly  tap  the  X   key,   nicerepeating coloured squares appear all overthe screen. You can  do  a  similar  thingwith PRINT USR 480 -  they  both  cause  acolourful crash and make the ROM  contentsinto pretty visual thingies!
   1 But by VALling the whole CHR$ argument, wecan do away with them:-A
   1 BritishBroadcasting  Corporation,  but   then   Isuppose they were paid to call it that!X
   1 Bristol BS5
   1 Brian Watson, 8-BIT
   1 Brian Watson
   1 Brian Gaff, BG Services
   1 Brandlesholme
   1 Bradby Boys Club
   1 Both drives can be worked from one cable ,my original cable was long enough to reachboth drives as long as I kept  them  closeto each other  and  the  spectrum.  All  Ineeded was to fit a second  plug  for  thenew drive.
   1 Bogie of Extacy-3 did write regarding  hisgroups mentioning, but it appears  he  wasnot aware of a letter sent by  his  fellowmember "LA", condemning  illegal  softwarecopying  and  distribution  Sherwood  oncemade.
   1 Bl: L11  Ap: 86
   1 Bill Richardson, EEC
   1 Bill Clark
   1 Big   supplier   of   Spectrum   adventuresoftware,   including?
   1 Before doing so, I would care to point outthat making copies of  any software may bean infringement  of  the  copyright of thegame or utility in question.
   1 Before describing the mod  to you, I wouldcare to point out that unless you are bothconfident and adroit  at using a solderingiron and  other  electrical  tools, then Isuggest you do not  attempt to modify your+3 as you  could cause irreparable damage,which  I   take   no   responsibility  forwhatsoever!
   1 Basically, it's grown beyond  my  control.In the beginning it was easy to handle  asI was a student with plenty of  free  timebetween my diploma. But,  over  the  yearsas Alchemist Research began to expand,  ittook an ounce more time each day.
   1 Barbara Gibb
   1 Back to the "Eliza"  program.  The  reasonthat   this   is   not   true   artificialintelligence is that the computer makes nological assumptions. In fact, the  programpicks out recognised words and then  makesa sentence  from  a  stack  of  ready-madeones, replacing only the relevant word. Tomake  this  clearer,  here's   a   typical"Eliza" program in a flowchart style:
   1 BUT , if there is a need for these sort ofarticles anywhere why oh why do they  haveto be so boring ?  You  can  honestly  getjust as much information by looking at thesystem  variables  from  the  manual   andexperimenting for 5 minutes. Actually  thearticles themselves seem to be just a copyof these pages anyway. If  the  writer  ofthe article I am on about is reading  thisthen honestly, I'm  not  runnig  you  downpersonaly, as I said; some people do wan'tto know this stuff but please, Spice it upa little eh! <The system variables are  asold  as  the  Spectrum  and  have  changedlittle or not at all since 1982. Ed>
   1 BULLELECTRICAL,250  PORTLAND  RD.,HOVE  SUSSEXBN3 5QT , tel 01273 203500H
   1 BEST OF THE INDIES - This is a compilationthat's well worth  having.  If  you  don'talready have some of these  games  then  Iurge you to buy this. It contains some  ofthe classic  Spectrum  adventures  and  isworth the price. Although some games mightseem a bit dated there is a good spread ofeverything in this compilation.
   1 BEST OF THE  INDIES  costs  `5.99  and  isavailable   from   Zenobi   software,   26Spotland Tops, Cutgate,  Rochdale,  Lancs.OL12 7NX.
   1 B=Betrayed Programmer
   1 At this point, with all the saving done weneed do, and with both the machine clearedto the  correct  address  and  the  m/c inplace, we can see  if  all the work we didpays off  or  not  by inputting, RANDOMIZEUSR 45415 ... and ... and ... YES!!!
   1 At the moment there aren't enough hours ina day. Up at 5am, work  until  6pm,  quickwash  and  food  and  processing  softwareorders  and  letters  etc.   until   aftermidnight. Not just one  night,  but  EVERYnight of the week. And  in  there  I  alsohave to find the time to compile AlchNews.
   1 At the moment there are three phenominallygood lists of hardware, software and booksdoing the rounds.  Should  you  want  one,send an SAE to:
   1 At present, 99% of PC software (including Windows 3.x) is 16 bit, so 16 bit sofware being processed by a 32 bit OS + PC will  run a lot faster than on todays (16 bit   OS) setups
   1 As there is a  displacement of the loadingaddress by 1000,  the  address  we need tosave from is 7000.f
   1 As promised in  the  last  edition, I willset  about  showing   you  how  to  handleloaders which use  extra  long data blocksas a means of protection.
   1 As my new drive needs only a 5v  regulatedsupply, I adapted one from a junked 6 voltcassette player for when I re-case it  alltidy , I've used a 7805A  5volt  regulatortogether with a larger smoothing capacitor(4700 U-f 16v) the regulator  connects  asfollows, looking from  the  front  at  thenumbers, hole at the top, pins down , leftpin - to rectified out-put  ,  centre  pinground, right pin gives 5 volts  regulatedoutput . Bolt through hole to case to  useas the heat-sink (vital!)
   1 As most readers  of  AlchNews  will  know,whenever  a  program   or   utility   fromAlchemist PD is mentioned in an article inthe  magazine,  it's  free  to   all   thereaders. Well, here's my  devious  scheme.If I write an article on  the  history  ofAlchemist  Research  which  includes   thewhole catalogue... !
   1 As im a bit rushed, please forgive the&
   1 As all 486s are 32 bit, will there really be that much difference in speed between  the SXs & the DXs?f
   1 As I  said,  the  initial  column  in thisintended long  running  series was writtenin haste  and  in  all  probability, had Itaken more  time  to  think  it through, Imight have explained in some detail how toget  the  most  out  of  the  'load bytes'routine in the  48K  ROM,  which  I am nowabout to do.
   1 As  your  name  is  on  this  list,   whatcategory do you come under  (if  any)  andwhy? If you have  been  mentioned  withoutyour knowledge I  would  appreciate  beingtold this,  otherwise  as  it  stands  youappear to agree with Mr  Davis  and  wouldbecome involved should I ever  take  legalaction against him.
   1 Artificial intelligence,  or  AI,  is  thename given to  a  computer  program  whichgives the impression that it  can  "think"logically and respond to the user's  inputin an intelligent way. Spectrum users  maywell  have  come  across   programs   like"Eliza" (the psychiatrist), in  which  thecomputer analyses sentences entered by theuser and gives a relevant response. As youcan imagine, something like this could  beimplemented to a far greater extent  on  amore powerful computer - but even the mostadvanced computer in the world has yet  toconquer the boundaries of AI.
   1 Arnold Yates
   1 Armeggeddon,  Bubble   Buster,   ChequeredFlag,  Chess,,  Feud,  Fighting   Warrior,Finders Keepers, Fist,  Flight  Simulator,Gauntlet,   Ghostbusters,   Horace
   1 Arkanoid: Revenge of Mow - Ha ha. Not.&
   1 Apart from this small problem I found thisgame highly enjoyable  and  I'm  sure  youwill agree._
   1 Anyway, why am I rambling on is  this  wayabout Format, Deserts and  Alchnews.  Wellhave you seen Format lately ? Their latestgems for non Sam / +D  users  is  Spectrumsystem variables. 
   1 Anyway, thats off my chest so  I  will  goonto another bit. <Ok, thats the tenner  Ipromised you Ray. Ed>i
   1 Anyway, that's  just one  angle on how youcould make use of this new found knowledgeyou now  have  regarding  exactly where tofind everything  within  a PAWed adventurefile.
   1 Anyway, my conclusions from what I've seentells me this:8
   1 Anyway, let's assume I had  to  take  fivetapes. The first  one  would  have  to  be"Transylvanian  Tower"  -  no,  no,   onlyjoking!  I'd  probably   take   "Firelord"because it's very addictive and colourful.
   1 Anyway, just for  those  who  have no ideathis routine exists,  I  will describe howto make use of  it  from  your own m/c andhow the  relevant  register  values effectwhat it loads in and to where.
   1 Anyway, if you are new  to  the  adventurescene then this is a good place to  start.This month I am going to take a look a themother of all adventure compilations,  TheBest of the Indies. This  is  a  six  gamecompilation,  so   plenty   of   fun   forbeginners  and   experienced   adventurersalike.
   1 Anyway, he never  replied  to  our  letter(typical  ignorance  as  usual),  but   wecarried on with the silence plan.u
   1 Anyway GC sent me a  copy.  I  immediatelysent a letter to Andy for more deatails ofsubscribing, sent of my postal order and afew weeks later  after  reciving  some  PDorders (quite a lot I must admit due to  abit of over enthusiasm) hear that AlchNewswas to close down. AARRGGHH 
   1 Antony Purvis
   1 Ant   Attack,   Avalon,   Blue
   1 Another bug, or rather a  strange  effect,occurs when you CLEAR the memory while  ina GOSUB. I think this is mentioned in  theuser guide, but anyway, try this routine:
   1 Another  one  would  have  to   be   "RickDangerous", which I've  never  managed  tocomplete despite playing it for  about  12hours a day throughout 1993!
   1 Andy Davis Bsc
   1 Andrew Parish
   1 And yet do we really need these high levelPCs?. The main requirement these daysO
   1 And with this, maybe we will see an end   to the current crop of software, orM
   1 And then they might find a use for the&
   1 And so on. The program understands that itmust return I as YOU, YOU as I (or ME), HEas HE, MY as YOUR, etc, so  the  followingrealistic exchange  of  views  could  takeplace:
   1 And if you would like to buy any of the   above items, or make a donation to theP
   1 And finally, the Sam Coupe. If  this  namemeans anything, I'd love to know  what  itis! As far as I can see, it's just  Frenchfor "Cut Sam"! Although, laughing  at  allthese names, what would  YOU  call  a  newcomputer if you wanted it to sell?!
   1 And finally there is my writing career. Mybooks have been sadly  neglected  for  toolong, accorinding to an  axious  publisherwho wants to see some results. If  I  wantto keep my contract, I have  to  work  forit.
   1 And I would argue that, as there is no&
   1 An adult orientated Spectrum magazine witha difference.  This  excellently  producedmagazine  (NOT  a  fanzine)   covers   theSpectrum, world cinema and a wide range ofother topics. Although labelled as  adult,it is not of a sexual content. First issuecosts `1.80 and is WELL worth it.
   1 An  alternative  to  VAL,  is   the   CODE"<character>" function.  This  takes  evenfewer bytes, and has the  added  bonus  ofbeing almost as fast as the  number  form,so can be  used  much  more  liberally  intime-critical loops. Being  restricted  tointegers  in  the  range  0-255,  however,makes it unable  to  act  as  a  universalsubstitute for VAL.
   1 Amy Pandagirl
   1 Amstrad-made
   1 Although I suppose that sort of name  doesappeal to spotty rich  kids  with  nothingbetter to do than spend fifty quid a  weekon unchallenging,  unoriginal  games.  Youcan see how much I like consoles!  As  forSega and Nintendo, they're  just  Japanesesurnames as far as I know.
   1 Although  there  are  utilities  availableform  PD  libraries  to  get  around   anyrestictions it saves time to  enter  thesecommand direcly.
   1 Although   technicallly   it   is   rathercrude,it does however allow anyone writinggames software to have an  alternative  tousing a joystick, and gives a true meaningto shoot'em ups.
   1 Alternatively,  you  can  examine  the  DEregister  pair  and  switch  in  differentpages to load data  to, or indeed, can useboth modifications at the same time.
   1 Also remember the  stack  must be balancedif you push any registers onto it and thatthe state of the  flags must be preserved.The B register can  safely be used withouthaving to  restore  it's  former value, ascan the L register  once  it has been usedto poke the address IX points to or not.
   1 Alright! I make it  easy for you just thisonce and I'll write the code to give you arest!Y
   1 Allie Weston
   1 All we need  to  do  now  is to rewind thetape and load in the block of code again. However, this time  it will over-write notonly the  system  variables  but  also theprogram area as well.
   1 All the  componets  in  fig  1  should  behoused with the light sensor  and  plastictube. They could even be fitted into a toygun and modified  accordingly.  Iterms  infig 2 can be housed  into  a  plastic  boxincluding the edge connector, and the  twounits connected with 5-8  feet  of  cable.The switch or trigger should be  connectedbetween the output of fig 1, and the inputof fig 2. This could be a microswitch witha suitable trigger pressing  on  it.  Mostimportantly, the switch shuld be  a  pressto make contact type.
   1 All sizes are approximate.
   1 All pages other than  2 and 0 contain justgraphic  information  plus  messages  (notsystem) and location text.n
   1 All other data is located in pages 2 and 0and for this reason  page 2 contains a setof its own unique  system variables so thegame's interpreter knows  exactly how manypages of data to load  in and where to putit.
   1 All customers we like to inform  that  theprices are all in Deuts che Mark.  If  youlike to pay in British  Pounds,  then  theexchange rate is 2.15  DM  for  1  Pounds,means you have to divide the price  in  DMwith 2,15 to get  the  amount  in  Pounds.Send a cheque with  your  order,  to  sendmoney could be dangerous.
   1 All I  have  covered  so  far  may  take alittle   time   for   you   to  completelyunderstand._
   1 Alf Fairwheather
   1 Alec Carswell
   1 Alchnews16 just arrived as I was about  toput this is the post and felt I must  makesome comments, any of which you can put inAlchnews17 if you would like to  use  them(Ho, hum can't find the  copyright  symbolon my newly aquired +2! )
   1 Alchemist Research address
   1 Alchemist Research
   1 Alchemist  Software  will  no  longer   beundertaken at Alchemist Research,  but  bynew staff at a new  location.  All  titleswill remain the same and they  will  tradein the same manner  as  before,  but  withmany   changes.   A   good   service
   1 AlchNews Adventures
   1 AlchNews 128k:
   1 Ah! There it  is,  much  further on in theline! It's  correct,  0,  and  a separatorfollows this and  then there's a permanentINK  0,  but  again,  the  number  form isfurther on, and correct  - and a separatorfollows this as well.
   1 Again, we'll start with an example:-$
   1 After two years of being is  the  computerworlds equivalent of  a  desert  since  YSceased to  exist  then  finding  somethingmuch better I then find I am going  to  bein the backwaters again because beleive meloyal Alchies ! ? Format is  complete  andutter  dross  unless  you  have   a   Sam.Thankfully a  change  in  circumstances  Ihave just found out this  evening  of  8thAugust '95 Alchnews is going to  continue;Huzzah you shout in a Baldrick kind of way!
   1 After the HALL OF  SHAME  in  last  issue,Martyn  Sherwood  began  pestering  MarcusPrichard again. In case you  haven't  readthe Prism section, he misquoted the entirearticle  and   requested   Mr   Prichard'ssupport  should  any  legal  action   takeplace.
   1 After a few variations on this theme  fromseveral shops I decided to try mail  order)U
   1 After  informing  Dave  Fountain  of   themaysterious D.G. Sherwood letter, he tellsus that  it's  Martyn's  FATHER!  I  thinknothing much more can be said when you aresupposedly a grown man of 30+ years of ageand you have to have daddy to  fight  yourbattles for you! It certainly conjures  upimages  of  Mr  Sherwood  resembling  JohnMajor, thermos in hand,  anoraked  to  thenines, sat on Coventry station noting downrolling stock prefixes!
   1 Adrian  Mole,   Black   Crystal,   Cluedo,Doomsday Castle, Gyron, Head  over  Heels,The Hobbit,  Pettigrew  Diaries,  Psytron,Valyrie 17 (no instr), The Sold a million,They sold a million 3, Tasword 2, LinkwordFrench, GAC, Dream (learn mc)
   1 Adjust VR1 to detect a white TV sreen froma black one, placing the light  gun  arond5-8 feet from th TV. I  have  included  anLED to help in adjusting the unit.
   1 Address on page 1
   1 Address TBA shortly.
   1 Address 941C through to  9423 are two byteindicators to what  messages,  if any, areto be found in the  relevant pages 1, 3, 4and 6, in that order.
   1 According to  the  header,  line  0 is thestart line.5
   1 ANDREW  MARSHALL  has  the  following  forsale:/
   1 AN17.D    
   1 AN17.C    
   1 AN17.9:  ROYS RANTINGS. My God,  he's  gotAN17.10: his article in early and ranked aT
   1 AN17.9    
   1 AN17.8:  MORE BUGS. Paul Howard  continues*
   1 AN17.8    \
   1 AN17.7    9$
   1 AN17.6:  DIY
   1 AN17.6    E
   1 AN17.5    ?
   1 AN17.4:  PAULS BITS: Hot on the  trail  ofAN17.5:  Roy and Ben, Paul does  a  "bits"T
   1 AN17.4    
   1 AN17.3:  LETTER.  J.C.  Blomley  has  some*
   1 AN17.38: THE END. Credits,  plus  news  of*
   1 AN17.38   
   1 AN17.37: Smalls, user requests
   1 AN17.37   9
   1 AN17.36: Commerical software
   1 AN17.36   d
   1 AN17.35: Other magazines & services#
   1 AN17.35   
   1 AN17.34: Paper magazines
   1 AN17.34   
   1 AN17.33: SINTECH SOFTWARE.  Thomas  Eberle*
   1 AN17.33   \
   1 AN17.32   &
   1 AN17.31: MORE  FROM  PAW.  Graham  CollierAN17.32: takes us through the  PAW  systemT
   1 AN17.31   
   1 AN17.30: PD POWERLESS? Fancy paying `1 for*
   1 AN17.30   
   1 AN17.3    
   1 AN17.29: ABBA. Graham Collier shows how to*
   1 AN17.29   a
   1 AN17.28   A
   1 AN17.27   
   1 AN17.26   |
   1 AN17.25   
   1 AN17.24   y
   1 AN17.23: HACKERS  CORNER.   A   very   bigAN17.24: article  this   issue,   coveringAN17.25: loading in extremely fine detail.AN17.26: By Graham Collier.
   1 AN17.23   
   1 AN17.22: WHATS IM A NAME?  The  goofs  and*
   1 AN17.22   ;
   1 AN17.21: DESERT ISLAND SPECS. Paul Howard.*
   1 AN17.21   ;
   1 AN17.20: FOUNTAIN   PD.   Dave
   1 AN17.20   
   1 AN17.2    Q&
   1 AN17.19:  ALCHVENTURES. The  return  of  a*
   1 AN17.19   
   1 AN17.18:  DESERT ISLAND  SPECS:  Orson  of*
   1 AN17.18   
   1 AN17.17   c
   1 AN17.16:  HARD  DRIVING.  J.C.Blomley   onAN17.17:  repairing   and   replacing   +DT
   1 AN17.16   
   1 AN17.15   
   1 AN17.14:  PRISM PROBLEMS. What do you callAN17.15:  a  man  who  takes  an  AlchNewsT
   1 AN17.14   
   1 AN17.13   
   1 AN17.12:  RAY'S  RANTINGS.   No,   not   aAN17.13:  misprint, but another Roy, Ben &T
   1 AN17.12   
   1 AN17.11:  COLOUR  MIXING.  Tired  of  that*
   1 AN17.11   
   1 AN17.10   
   1 AN17.1 : THE END - OR IS IT? Full  details*
   1 AN17.1    :
   1 AN17.0 : This section.
   1 AN17.0    
   1 ALCHNEWS: Will continue. There are  enoughcontributions  and  articles  courtesy  ofINPUT for many years to come. But, I  feela limit will have to be made on it's size.The last issue was the equivalent of  over250 pages of A4. Even if  AlchNews  becamemonthly, it would still be over  80  pagesper month! Far better value for money thanANY other magazine on the market! It wouldbe a deadly shame to abandon this.
   1 ALCHEMIST SOFTWARE: This is what  took  upmost of the time. Giving this up gives thefree time  needed,  plus  also  gives  theother groups a chance to trade.
   1 ALCHEMIST SOFTWARE! In very  late  August,Lloyd Garland and a local  associate  havemade a request to carry  on  the  service.Needless to say, I agreed! The  name  willbe the same,  the  software  will  be  thesame, but there will be  some  changes  init's operation. Details are  very  sketchyat this time, as we have lots to  discuss,as well as the transfer of several hundreddisks  for  them  to  sort  into   a   newcatalogue, but no doubt full details  willbe given in the December issue (AN18).
   1 ALCHEMIST  CP/M:  The  programs  will   besupplied by the  new  Alchemist  Software.The CP/M programmer John Elliot  is  stillwriting  some  excellent   +3   utilities.Coverage will still be given  in  AlchNewsand any help via the helpline.
   1 AFTERTHOUGHTS ... If  you  don't  want  toalter the drive settings so one is set  todrive1 and the other is set  as  drive2  ,leave them both set as drive1 and you  cando the job instead by altering the  cable.Trace the lines 10, 11 and 12 to the  lastdrive  plug  on  the  cable,  remove   thelocking and retainer bars from the plug  ,split out lines 10 ,11 and 12 together andturn them over so that 10  and  12  changepositions inthe plug ,refit  the  bits  ofthe plug and that drive (set as a drive1 )will now work when the +D sends  a  signaldown the drive 2 select line(12)!
   1 A similar situation arises with  the  CHR$function. Here, brackets are  needed  whenthe  argument  consists  of  more  than  asingle unary expression.
   1 A partial solution I  have  discovered  ifyou have mons for the +3  is  to  load  inmons and choose an  area  for  it  to  runfrom, it only needs 160 bytes as the  restof it is accessed by paging, and  then  toload your gamecode. If you then  set  yourmutiface to jump to the address of mons asoutlined in the  instruction  sheet  afteryour game is  running  you  can  sometimesdissasemble the game and on  selcting  thereturn to basic option  in  mons  you  cancontinue the game where you left off.
   1 A long established company in the Spectrumfield, also catering for the SAM. Lots  ofuseful  bits   are   available   for   theSpectrum, including leads and hardware. BGServices is also the official  distributorof the Z80 Spectrum emulator for the PC.
   1 A good pattern for colour  mixing  is  the"tiny chessboard", as featured in the goodold User Guide. If  you  don't  have  thatfine publication to hand, here's a  slightvariation on the  program  which  will  doexactly the same thing, but we don't  wantto break any copyright rules do we?
   1 A RANDOMIZE  USR  is  not required becausethe  code  will  load  over  the SA/LD-RETaddress pushed onto the stack!r
   1 A Commodore, says the  Chambers  TwentiethCentury   Dictionary,   is   anI
   1 A 486 SX33 with 16 meg of RAM will run a  lot faster than a 486 DX2 66 with 4 meg ofRAM, the DX2 is faster, but most progsz
   1 A  preferable  rendering,  however,  wouldbe:-.
   1 >>AA>><<KJKJHJ
   1 <SERIOUS ANNOUNCMENT. Erm, I hope that youare also trading the  original  game  tapewith the snapshots, since this feature  ofthe +D should only be used to make back-upcopies of your own games.  Ok,  so  nobodydoes, but I have to print it Ed>
   1 <Put  sellotape  on  the   corners   whichprevents the chemical colouring the paper.Ed>W
   1 <Plea to all readers. If any of you have acopy of "Transilvanian Tower", you'd  liketo sell. Please send it to Paul  and  sendthe bill to me. Ed>
   1 <B- Theres a solar generator. Ed>!
   1 <And very useful it was  too.  (Sounds  ofchinese being eaten and beer slurped) Ed>S
   1 <A- Why are you in a hurry to  load?  It'snot as if you'd have lots to do>J
   1 <<??==>>JKJNJQ
   1 <+2a/+3 PSUs seem to  be  popular  choicesfor powering external drives  on  the  +3.Ed>W
   1 ;"Next, Prev, Index or Choose:"
   1 ;"M to change Music":
   1 ; TRY AGAIN IF NO KEY PRESS F024 DD210070 ; LOAD IX, 70009
   1 ; OUT (FE),A
   1 ; LOAD A, FF
   1 ; LOAD A, 0F
   1 ; IN A, (FE)
   1 9866 TM LUTJEGAST
   1 9537 to 9443 refer to the permanent screenand print colour set up.B
   1 944C/D is the  address,  plus one byte, ofthe  last  byte  of  the  insert characterset(s).[
   1 944A/B holds the address of the first byteof any inserted character set(s).K
   1 9449  holds  the  number  of user insertedcharacter sets  in  the  file  -  each setoccupies 0300 bytes of memory.r
   1 9448  and  once   again  for  the  processtables (response = process 0).H
   1 9447 and again for system messages.#
   1 9446 same again for messages.
   1 9445 as above for locations.
   1 9444 holds the total  number of objects inthe adventure, plus one.B
   1 9432 to 9438  again  I  could  find no usefor..
   1 942A through to 9431  are identical to the'page in use' variables above, but are forlocations.^
   1 9424 through to 9429  I was unable to findany use for, though  they could be used ina running adventure.h
   1 9012CM RAERD
   1 9 West View
   1 9 STOP statement, 0:1
   1 80p each (cased + instructions)
   1 8000 bytes only  are  saved  as we alreadytook care of 4000  of them earlier.M
   1 78 Holtdale Avenue
   1 70794 Filderstadt
   1 70794 FILDERSTADT
   1 7.  Idioms.  Foreigners  have  no  end  oftrouble  with  these  -  how   would   ourcomputer define "The  dark  horse  of  thefamily" or  "Man's  best  friend"?  Again,these are general knowledge, but  languageis quite a different department.
   1 7 Manor Drive
   1 64 Roebuck Road
   1 60 Queensfield
   1 6. Slang. Would  the  computer  know  that"Mum" means "Mother"? What would  it  makeof the question "Is my Uncle  Ned  up  theapples and pears?" with  no  knowledge  ofCockney rhyming slang? (I'd love to try itout!). What about  modern  terms  such  as"gay" to mean homosexual or "mate" meaningfriend as opposed to sexual  partner?  Thehuman, of course, would  understand  theseterms and could put them into context.
   1 6 Ravensmead
   1 51069 KOLN
   1 50p each (caseless)
   1 50 BORDER 0 : BORDER 0 : PAUSE 1 : GOTO 40*
   1 5.  Misunderstandings.  In  English,   andprobably every other language, many  wordshave more than  one  meaning.  "Fast"  and"pitch"  for  example   each   have   fivemeanings. It may  be  a  problem  for  thecomputer if you say, "I pitched my tent ona football pitch but  it  got  covered  inpitch!". Also, if the  computer  does  notunderstand, should it say so?  It  may  bebest to hide the fact that it doesn't knowwhat you're talking about, but if you said"My sister's favourite colour  is  toilet.What  is  her  favourite   colour?",   themachine would probably reply "Toilet".  If"rose",  "lime"  and   "velvet"   can   becolours, why not?  The  computer  wouldn'tknow.
   1 5 Various art packages
   1 48kadventures, plus many compilations.  Printand presentation quality of  this  companyis outstanding, which  reflects  the  highstandard  it's  software  is.   The   CP/Mcatalogue is  just  as  impressive,  goinginto greater detail of each adventure!
   1 486DX2-66 is a minimum entry level"
   1 46 High Road West
   1 40 NEXT P : NEXT I : NEXT B
   1 40 BORDER 0 : BORDER 2 : BORDER 6 : BORDER4 : BORDER 56
   1 4. Time Factor. This applies to everythingI've mentioned. It's true that a  computercan work out difficult  calculations  manytimes faster and more efficiently  than  ahuman, but  in  other  cases  it  is  muchslower. Even if the computer knew who  wonthe  last  FA  Cup,  it   would   take   anoticeable amount of time in searching itsmemory for the right piece of information.
   1 4. Could we have a HELP PAGE  (or  a  PleaPage ) I could  do  with  a  bit  of  HELPplease, what it is I bought a  spectrum  +(48K) together with a  box  of  tapes  andgoodies , because it had an AMX mouse withit, the mouse turned out to be a bit duff,one button would not work - this I  tracedback to one of the chips in the interface-changed the chip and it now works OK  with"THE  ARTIST"  but  I  can  not  get   thesoftware that came with it to run  throughthe +D,though it will function if  the  +Dis not connected - Does anybody have a wayof making these programs work with the +D,or does it look like I might have had morethan one duff chip? Is there  a  differentdriver program out there in  PD  land  forthe AMX mouse? Any possibility of using itinstead of a jotstick?
   1 4(H) or 6(J)
   1 4 PRINT USR 0
   1 4 Bethune Close
   1 39 High Street
   1 37 Trimingham Drive
   1 36 Grasmere Road
   1 34680 ST GEORGES
   1 34 NORTH DRIVE,
   1 32 Dursley Road
   1 30 SAVE "name .fnt" CODE 32000,769"
   1 30 REM What A Waste Of Time All These REMSAre!!/
   1 30 GOTO 10
   1 3. This is the  clever  bit!  Construct  asentence including the relevant topic fromthe  input.  To  put  this  into  context,here's a sample run of the  program,  withcomments in brackets:
   1 3. Martyn voluntarily  opted  out  of  theEssential Guides proposal;  very  kind  ofhim since it allowed the rest of us to geton with creating a good,  original  seriesand saved him  the  humiliation  of  beingturned away! We  should  also  respect  MrSherwood   deeply   for   his   well-knownintelligence.  He  regularly   turns   outoriginal ideas (well, they  were  originalwhen Andy thought of  them!!)  and  surelyanyone who thinks that  3  comes  after  3must  be  very  clever!  Cancelling  MilesKinloch's subscription also  lessened  hisincome and stopped another source of PD  -what  financial  talent!  Overall,  MartynSherwood is a generous, intelligent personwho runs an excellent service (despite theoccasional inevitable two-year delay)  ...and I'm the Wizard of Oz!
   1 3. General Knowledge. Perhaps the  hardesttest to overcome. If you asked "My brotheris in London. Where is my  brother?",  thecomputer would be able to answer  "London"almost   as   quickly   as
   1 3.   Content   of   Alchnews   15   &   16Magnificent! Stacks of entertaining (asidefrom the Prism Files), ineresting and veryusefull material that has helped me get  amore use from my Spectrums than I  thoughtpossible.
   1 2textfiles to Tasword 128?
   1 298 Holton Road
   1 29 Barber Street
   1 26 Spotland Tops
   1 25-27 " wide, 38-40 " long
   1 249 Dumbarton Road
   1 23 Cleveland
   1 20 inches across, 25-30 inches long (the  posters that is!);
   1 20 REM And All  Sorts  Of  Other  ProgramsIncluding This One.=
   1 20 POKE 32769,255
   1 20 IF a=255 THEN PRINT "BANG"
   1 20 Greenill Drive
   1 20 FOR B=0 TO 1 : FOR I=0 TO 7 :  FOR  P=0TO 7.
   1 20 DATA BIN  10101010,  BIN  1010101,  BIN10101010, BIN 1010101, BIN  10101010,  BIN1010101, BIN 10101010, BIN 1010101v
   1 2. Scan  text  for  known  phrases  (whichmight include FRIENDS, BROTHER, SISTER, DOYOU, YOU ARE,  I  AM,  MY,  etc,  but  notirrelevant "filler" words like  THE,  AND,AS and IS).
   1 2. Prism Problems Sit back  and  total  upthe amount of unproductive  time,  K-bytesof Alchnews  and  damage  this  wally  hascaused , in my  opinion  it  is  not  evenbalanced off  by  the  not  inconsiderableentertainment value to the  readership  ofAlchnews!
   1 2. Most of us would be pleased  if  Martynleft the Spectrum scene, and to  this  endhe constantly pirates software  and  sellsillegal programs. Because of this  he  hasnow brought a  police  investigation  uponhimself - thanks again Mr Sherwood!
   1 2. Fallibility. If you asked the  question"What is the square root of  834.57?"  thecomputer could answer in  a  flash  -  butthat would give the game away. The machinemust wait before responding, or even  givethe wrong answer. The problem here lies intelling the computer when to do so; a longpause for "What is 3 plus  1?"  is  hardlyappropriate!
   1 2) In  Sherwood's  letter,  he  forgot  toinclude the "UNHAPPY CUSTOMERS" reason, asstated earlier, so Roy had to  answer  theway he did. He was rather  upset  to  findout the Sherwood had again been lying  andthat he had been hassled by him once more,plus quoting extracts from his letters andnot  producing  it  completely,   as   Royrequesed.
   1 2) I am happy to supply any proof to thirdparties  who  are   not   connected   withSherwood or the matter in any  way.  If  Isent the information, it would  be  givingthem an advance look at some of the  proofwe have against him, which would  be  veryvaluable should any court case arise!  Whyshould he have advance warning  over  whatwe are going to hit him with?
   1 2 North Hill Road
   1 2 Microdrive units
   1 2 Joysticks
   1 2 Cromwell Close
   1 2 "Twin" joystick / mouse interface#
   1 19:00 - 22:00
   1 1995 A.Davis & Alch. Research
   1 19 Lyme Avenue
   1 18 Tivoli Crescent
   1 18 Clyde Grange
   1 17 Le Mas Blanc
   1 166 Valley Drive
   1 14 De Verose Court
   1 128K Music:
   1 128K BUGS - THE REMIX
   1 128 to 48 -  POKE 23611 , 205  then#
   1 126 Hayward Road
   1 12 blank MD cartridges
   1 12 Miller Avenue
   1 12 Frederick Street
   1 1000 CLEAR : RETURN
   1 10 RESTORE : FOR N=0 TO 7 : READ Z :  POKEUSR "A"+N,Z : NEXT N>
   1 10 REM The Static Border Effect As Used InAnimator13
   1 10 REM Make sure you've defined UDG  A  asshown earlier7
   1 10 LOAD "name .fnt" CODE 32000
   1 10 LET a= IN 191
   1 10 BORDER 0  :  PAPER  0  :  INK 0 : CLEAR65367 : LOAD "" SCREEN$  : PRINT AT 0,0; :LOAD "" CODE`
   1 1. Re. Changes Alchnews +  Sam  Please  donot incorporate Sam totally, just use whatis compatible with Spectrum.  Let  Sam  dosame , by all means take  on  Sam  PD  andgive them all access  to  Alchemist,  mostwill run Spectrum emulators anyway-  mightmake them wonder why they bothered  buyingSAMS!
   1 1. Input text from user.
   1 1. His numerous mistakes  always  make  uslaugh - after  all,  he  can't  count  andthinks that idioms can go  anywhere...  ifthe cap fits! We should all thank him  foramusing us so regularly.
   1 1.  Emotional.  Questions  in  this  groupinclude "What is  love?"  or  "Comment  onthis poem".  The  reason  computers  oftenfall down here is  because  they  are  notsupplied with  the  information  on  humanemotions,  a  formidable  task   for   anyprogrammer.
   1 1) WHO THE HELL  IS  D.G.  SHERWOOD.  Theyhave NOT been involved in  the  matter  inany way, so what are they doing requestinginformation?
   1 1) Roy had not read the article
   1 1 Spectrum 128k
   1 1 Spectrum +3
   1 1 Rubber keyed 48k
   1 1 QL computer and spare machine
   1 1 Pelham Street
   1 1 Interface one
   1 1 GOSUB 1000 : STOP
   1 1 FOR N=10 TO 0
   1 1 DK Tronics keyboard
   1 1 AND DRIVE 2
   1 1 +D interface
   1 1 +D 3.5" drive (780k DSDD)
   1 ...As I was saying.
   1 ... but it can  be  transferred to RAM andbe  put  to  even  more  interesting  usesthere!!!\
   1 - SQ-TRACKER is the best sound-tracker forSpectrum.  Made  by  czech  musicans   whowanted more than Sound-Tracker  could  do.SQ-Trac ker is used in most of  the  newerCzech-Demos  and  comes  with   Engl   ishinstructions, so  that  everyone  now  canmake good sounds on Specci.
   1 - PROMETHEUS is a real big assembler pack.Some features:8
   1 - ORFEUS is a 3-channel 48k Sound program.With this program you  could  really  makethe greatest tunes that  are  possible  on48k Specci. English instructions.
   1 - INFERNO  is  something  like  Cybernoid.Absolutely Megagame  with  endless  levelsand  more  weapons  than   in   Cybernoid.Something  between  stategic  and  action.Comes with 6  pages  English  instructionsand tips.
   1 - ATOMIX is a strategic game. Your task isto complete chemical molecules from singleatoms. The problem is that the  atoms  aremoving as long as they hit an obstacle. Soit is not so easy to put them in the rightposition. English instructions.
   1 -  Int.Exe  128  is  an  utility  to   putpictures in Interlace Mode. For  using  inown demos.^
   1 , tut ,tut,ever felt a right berk! I  forgot  that  Ihad to re-configure the +SYS DOS  for  twodrives!!g
   1 , though, ofthese four, only page  0  is not loaded intwo parts  -  well  it  is,  but the lowerreaches  of  where  it  is  loaded  to  iscombined with page 2 as a single load.
   1 +Dconfiguration program to see what capacitydrive you can use !?
   1 +D Support:
   1 +3/+2A to grey +2) - `1
   1 +3 & CP/M Support:
   1 +256*PEEK 30001"
   1 +256*PEEK 30001
   1 +.532533226
   1 + you can use up to 64 kB of  memory  for   source text7
   1 + with special 128k Version, means:#
   1 + syntax  control  on  every  line  when(
   1 + source code: machine code  ratio  3-4:1   (GENS has 8:1):
   1 + scrolling and paging very fast 
   1 + possible to compile directly into pages   on 128k3
   1 + line oriented editor with
   1 + full relocability
   1 + could load in GENS source files!
   1 + built in monitor
   1 + assembly speed 2-3 kBytes/s
   1 + allows string searching and replacing'
   1 + allows block deleting and copying#
   1 *=Special, see later
   1 )  of  the  table isfound.
   1 (two'scomplimented).
   1 (quellesurprise!). When the NEW command  is  used(returning to the "opening menu"), certainaddresses in high  memory  are  corrupted,even when they are above RAMTOP. Miles didsend me an article about this  which  gaveexamples of PEEKable addresses which  werealtered, but it's buried under my mail forthe past five years upstairs somewhere  soyou'll have to write to  him  as  I'm  notleaving my nice grey swivel chair!
   1 (hopefully) on the INTERNET (there are a  number of speccy sites I believe), of the great work done by the great char-a-dee{
   1 (b) Do all desert  islands  have  UK  plugsockets?2
   1 (a) I'd rather take a +D,  'cos  it  loadsthings faster.8
   1 (User) YOU ARE STUPID.
   1 (User) I AM STUPID.
   1 (User input) NO
   1 (User input) I HAVE NO FRIENDS!
   1 (This is a personal saga, I do  not  claimto be technicaly correct, this  is  not  aset of "How to Do It" instructions, it  isthe story of how I sorted  my  drives  outand got two for the price of one!  If  youtry it and make a muck-up, don't blame me!<Or  us.  Ed.>  Should  anyone   like   tocomment, write in to  Andy  Davis  and  wemight  end  up  with  a  definitive   texteventually.   I   tried   to
   1 (Scan sentence - words  found  are  I  andFRIENDS. The computer knows that the  wordI must be replied to with YOU).s
   1 (Scan  sentence  -  because  the   programretains no memory of previous  inputs,  itanswers merely to the NO).n
   1 (Save with dummy byte)
   1 (Or Ray's Rantings - arrgh!)
   1 (Oops, I've just realised that I spelt theword "programmes"  the  American  way  allthrough  that  passage.  I   just   didn'trealize, erm, realise).
   1 (Managing director  -  Multi  8  Bit  UserGroup)0
   1 (Load in font code)
   1 (In case you were wondering,  yes  we  didsupply all our Alchemist  Software  titlesto the above groups FREE  OF  CHARGE.  Theonly group which did not get ANYTHING  wasPrism!)
   1 (I know I could have used decimals  but  Ican't work them out in my head and I don'thave one of those BIN > DEC calculators).}
   1 (I did'nt have problems finding the `%
   1 (Computer reply) DO YOUR FRIENDS LIKE YOU?(This sentence would be  stored  referringto FRIENDS).`
   1 (Computer   reply)   YOU   SOUND 
   1 (Add dummy non-zero byte)
   1 (10 times faster than GENS)
   1 'Bye till the next issue.
   1 ' he included in
   1 &&o&+i+((&
   1 & Big thanks:
   1 "THE HALL OF SHAME: This list comprises ofpeople who have been connected in some waywith negative actions of Prism PD:v
   1 "Roy Beson confirmed to me yesterday  thathe had no knowledge of his  name  used  inthe 'Hall of Shame' & that I had not  liedto him, misled, snubbed or betrayed him."
   1 "If I was  guilty,  I  certainly  wouldn'tneed to write to you as I would  know  whyyou were listed."e
   1 "Enter Part:";cnt:
   1 "Dear Mr Prichard,
   1 "256"*PEEK VAL "30001"
   1 "  "  " "   "   " " "  " "  "  " (USA)&
   1  to signal the table is not used). Thenext two bytes  after  the verb/noun entryis a further  pointer  for the condacts ofthat particular verb/noun  entry, FF beingthe termination marker  for each and everycondact entry.
   1  LOAD PART 
   1  LOAD +D INDEX 
   1  .DRIVE 2 WON'T  WORK!!  ...  onscreen message WRONG DRIVE ;
   1   did  youthink  M.S.  was  still  trying  to  be  asuperior pain with some of  those  obliquecomments? -or is it just the  way  I  readthe inferances of  what  he  didn't  quitedare write?)
   1   Page identifier - 0(B), 1(D), 3(F),%
   1   'Software  for  Free'written by P. Bocij &  published  by  KumaComputers - ISSN number 0-7457-0234-1.g
   1    ; LOAD SP, 
   1                    SEPTEMBER 1995